
Automate your marketing with Hobo Robot

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I am on a mission to automate my marketing and lead generation and get the behemothic power of Google working 24 hours for me, at little to no running costs. Google WANTS me to do this too. They want me to use Google Cloud. They want you to use it too.

My Robot did over 100 audits this week (using Google Search Console, Google Drive and Google Analytics in Google Sheets). It’s prepped case studies on all of these audits (in Google Docs), and it’s about to publish them to this site (using Google Docs), and email the real reports (after making clients their own reports) using Gmail.

My robot published this post, too.

A Robot?


A robot, in this context, is a series of systems and operations orchestrated to work together built with AI, but not run by AI. There’s no AI involved in my Robot because AI is not ready yet.

Eventually, AI will manage 90% of the Robot’s operations too, but the Robot does all the work while keeping the human in the loop.

My Dashboard and other tools are “Robots” – they are scheduled to do autonomous tasks.

Together, they form the Robot.

The robot:

Prioritises website tasks

The robot uses Google Search Console and Google Analytics (and can even use data from other tools like Screaming Frog) and many more to generate a list of website priorities to focus on.

Work that took days before, can now be done in 10 minutes.

Tracks and reports on how your marketing is performing

It uses Google Search Console and Google Analytics so you can see at a glance how your site is performing against Google algorithm updates.

All you do is log into your Google account and see how it is all working.

Content management

The robot is designed to enable easy publishing to your website (at the moment it is specifically for WordPress sites, but this is just the start.)

The robot solves the pain of content publishing to WP sites. Soon it will be an autonomous agent, with a series of specific tasks to do on a website. For instance, fix broken links. You see the robot already knows (using my Dashboard which pages have broken links. It can go there, open the page up and fix the broken link.

The core aim of the robot is to align a site with Google Webmaster Guidelines where programmatically possible and worthwhile to do so.


SEO is my background so it was an obvious place to start. The Robot can tweak and optimise pages. It will remove unnecessary and ugly code form your page, it will preserve styles you have.

It will fix some webmaster violations too like applying nofollow to affiliate links, and tweak text styles and formatting to Gogole’s own recommendations.

It will find and fix broken links, and optimise your internal links, based on raw data.

If you run a website design or SEO agency, this Robot can virtually automate your entire business, as it stands.

Social Sharing

The robot is designed to enable easy content publishing in Google Docs to your website. It can connect all your content up share your old posts and your new ones to X, Facebook Bluesky, and many more social networks.

Set up to post a few times a day at no charge, using Buffer, and only Google Sheets. Program it for the year and forget about it.

It shares new content with your users automatically.

Email Subscriber management

Do you know you email 2000 times a day using Google Workspace at no charge, and 100 times a day for completely free?

Hobo Robot can manage your email subscription list. You can even program customer journeys.

This is just the start of it.

Soon robots will take over online, and those who don’t utilise the power of these systems will struggle to survive whats coming next.

It’s secure

It uses Google’s own data and what it knows about your marketing (that’s basically everything). You don’t share your details with anyone else, its like logging into Google Analytics but much easier.

It’s private

No more sharing your private details.

Even I don’t see your data unless invited to consult, and I run the robot brain. Your data and private details – it’s all stored in Google Cloud. It is what Google already knows about you, and gives you for free and what you aren’t putting to good use to generate more leads for your business.

It costs practically nothing to run

Google gives us all access to incredibly powerful systems for free. They want you to use it. You can use this system perfectly well in a free Gmail account. It’s perfect for a small business startup or a corporation of any size.

It’s already used by thousands of websites

Hobo Robot (or at least a lesser form of it) already has hundreds of users and manages thousands of sites in the form of Hobo SEO Dashboard, designed specifically to audit websites in any search console account. Hobo WP Agent, another lesser form it, handles publishing and editing to WordPress sites from Google Docs.

It’s transparent

As it works in Google Docs you can sign in to see what it is actually doing at any time, and how it is coming up with the next steps.

It’s all there in Google Docs, unlike with AI systems, where, mostly they just make stuff up!

Hobo Robot uses real data from your own website and Google systems to work out what it is doing.

What exactly is Hobo Robot?

Hobo Robot is a “brain” (a library of scripts, triggers and a collection of hand-curated documents) that enables a purpose – “automate marketing”. A series of Google Docs and Sheets and Scripts and other tools all orchestrated to work autonomously to a schedule you set to:

  • Edit your site
  • Generate audits
  • Email reports
  • Share on Social sites
  • Manage your email list
  • Email your newsletter
  • And much more (it c

Soon, it will integrate with Gemini AI to bring the full power of Google to bear on your marketing efforts.

Hobo Robot is available now.

LIMITED Hobo Robot is 50% off RRP and is only £999 for LIFETIME ACCESS for early birds!

Pick up Hobo Robot here. The first installations of Hobo Robot will happen this coming Monday, with an hour’s consultation on how to use it.

Set up your consultation now even before you pay to secure your installation quickly – set up your installation here.

With a lifetime access membership, I’ll be on hand to ensure it’s up and running for you into the future.

Out of the box, it currently can run every operation on this page at no other future charge to you.

NOTE: The full Hobo Robot operates on WordPress sites, but can be configured with 2 weeks to work on most other websites.

Hobo will soon be available for the top platforms including for updating blog posts on Shopify, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, Umbraco, and Ghost. Each of these systems offers robust REST API capabilities, enabling seamless publishing and content management directly from Google Docs.

Stay tuned for an integrated solution that makes content creation and synchronization effortless across these leading platforms.

Already got Dashboard or Premium Checklist? You can get another discount on the price. Contact me.

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