
What is the best keyword density percentage for SEO?

If you are a beginner SEO looking to learn more about keyword density, you are in the right place. This article takes you through what you need to know about keyword density.

Keyword density refers to the number of times a keyword phrase is repeated on a page as a percentage of the total number of words on the page.

There is no ‘best’ keyword density percentage for SEO (search engine optimisation). Modern search engines have confirmed this.

While keyword density as a ranking factor is a common misconception, instead of using tools to measure keyword density, think about keyword optimisation in terms of keyword prominence, keyword proximity, and co-occurring keywords in a document. There is a lot of poor SEO ‘advice’ out there declaring optimal keyword density is between 1-2%. The truth is, keyword density is probably an SEO myth, according to most SEO professionals.

Rule of thumb: Use the text you need and no more.


What is the best keyword density for search engines?

Experts have agreed for over a decade;

  1. There is no single best keyword density to rank high in Google or Bing.
  2. Optimal keyword density differs from page to page, phrase to phrase
  3. Write naturally and include the keyword phrase once or twice on-page.
  4. Avoid demotion in Google by avoiding repeating keyword phrases in text content.
  5. Focus on creating high-quality engaging content instead.

There is no one-size-fits-all optimal ‘keyword density’ percentage anybody has ever demonstrated had direct positive ranking improvement in a public forum.

Google has said so:

QUOTE:  “Keyword density, in general, is something I wouldn’t focus on. Search engines have kind of moved on from there.” John Mueller, Google 2014

While the key to success in many niches is often simple keyword placement, search engines are not that easy to fool, these days.


How To Calculate Keyword Density?

It is natural to think it’s important to identify that sweet spot to achieve higher rankings in Google. The question is what is the optimal keyword density? Is it 1%, 2% 3% or 0.3% or 33% ? If you look online you’ll find a lot of conflicting opinions on the ideal keyword density %. It all sounds very scientific, too.

There is, of course, a FORMULA to work out the local keyword density of any page:

  • Density = ( Nkr / ( Tkn -( Nkr x ( Nwp-1 ) ) ) ) x 100
  • Density = your keyword density
  • Nkr = how many times you repeated a specific key-phrase
  • Nwp = number of words in your key-phrase
  • Tkn = total words in the analyzed text

The keyword density score for a key-phrase is calculated by looking at:

  • how many times a specific key-phrase is repeated in a document
  • the number of words in that key-phrase and
  • the total number of words in the analyzed text.

There is no best keyword density percent score to rank higher in Google listings. Write naturally, include keywords, and avoid stuffing keywords in the copy.


What Do Search Engines Say About Keyword Density As A Ranking Signal?

John Mueller of Google stated in 2014:

QUOTE:  Keyword density, in general, is something I wouldn’t focus on. Make sure your content is written in a natural way. ” John Mueller, Google 2014

Before that, in 2011, Matt Cutts went on record to point out the ideal keyword density is a misconception.

QUOTE: “That’s just not the way it works……” Matt Cutts, Google 2011

Google Webmaster Guidelines state that stuffing keywords:

QUOTE: “results in a negative user experience, and can harm your site’s ranking.” Google Webmaster Guidelines, 2020

Google gives advice that can have a few different interpretations. It’s useful to know what experienced search marketers say about this, too:

Aaron Wall of SEOBOOK called keyword density an:

QUOTE: “overrated concept”

Jim Boykin noted:

QUOTE:Using a RATIO of keywords to the total text on a page is not a good metric for SEO.”

Bill Slawski (RIP) said, after seeing very little mention of keyword density in search engine patents over many years:

QUOTE: “I’ve always considered keyword density to be more likely FOLKLORE than fact.”

Rand Fishkin of Moz said that:

QUOTE:the TRUTH is simply that modern search engines have never used keyword density”.

Dr. Edel Garcia (one of the few information retrieval SCIENTISTS whose crossed over into seo) made clear back in 2005 that

QUOTE:  (a keyword density ratio) tells us nothing about:

  1. 1. the relative DISTANCE between keywords in documents (proximity)
  2. 2. where in a document the terms occur (DISTRIBUTION)
  3. 3. the co-citation frequency between terms (CO-OCCURRENCE)
  4. 4. the main theme, TOPIC, and sub-topics (on-topic issues) of the documents

Garcia states this would imply that “keyword density is divorced from content quality”.”

In his article “The Keyword Density of Nonsense”, Garcia  summed up:

QUOTE:  “the assumption that keyword density values could be taken for estimates of term weights or that these values could be used for optimization purposes amounts to the Keyword Density of Non-Sense.

Top SEOs have been saying that there is NO optimal keyword density for a long time before Google confirmed it.

Bing Search Engine is also on record declaring keyword density is a passé topic:

QUOTE:  “But as the engines get smarter with and about signals, and as new, trustworthy signals are grown and adopted, the SEO of yore becomes a bit less relevant. No one really cried when we all walked away from <meta keyword> tags after they were inundated with spam. No one cried when keyword density became a passé topic, largely covered up in the then somewhat novel approach of ‘making quality content’. ” Duane Forrester, Bing 2014

Modern search engines have moved on.


Is Keyword Density Of Any Use?

It is useful for a copy editor to be aware of keyword density values of a particular phrase on a page to avoid stuffing keywords unnaturally into text.

Google’s quite possibly, is not using keyword density % values to even identify spam or to apply stuffing keyword filters.

Quality raters are asked to examine text for keyword stuffing, though.


What Should Your Keyword Density Be?

Despite what many SEO Tools would indicate there is no “best” keyword density. Write naturally and include the keyword phrase once or twice to rank in Google and avoid demotion. If you find you are repeating keyword phrases you are probably stuffing keywords into your text.

And that’s probably going to ‘hurt a little’, at some point, just like Google’s Matt Cutts said it will.

When copy is limited, why repeat a 3-word keyphrase 10 times, and risk lower rankings for a bad user experience, when there are possibly 10 variations and synonyms of the same key phrase, that when added to the same page, makes the page more relevant, better quality and rank higher for lots of similar keywords?

SO – the sensible thing to do would be to avoid () stuffing your PRIMARY CONTENT text.

Also – it’s probably wise to invest a little time in making your page RELEVANT but all the time keeping it simple:

I focus on keyword-stemming opportunities… with a focus on the LONG TAIL of search as well as the HEAD:


  1. Keyword
  2. Keyword Density
  3. Best Keyword Density
  4. Best Keyword Density For Google

I also focus on the relative prominence of the term in the document, for instance:

  • Is the key phrase in the <TITLE> element
  • Is the key phrase in <p> tags
  • Is the key phrase in the <alt> text
  • Is the key phrase in the URL

I focus on introducing more unique words, single and plural, abbreviations, synonyms and co-occurring phrases relevant to the topic of a page.

This is a better use of time than calculating keyword density percents of one keyword phrase.

There is no magic one size fits all SEO tactic. It’s not that easy, out-with black-hat tactics. Not that black hat SEO is always easy, either.

Google’s trending towards rating and ranking your pages based on the quality and reputation of your website, and the quality and reputation of content on individual pages.

Google’s interested in the expertise of the actual PERSON WRITING the text it is rating it and is working out if USERS actually LIKE your page, RELEVANT to COMPETING PAGES on the web.

They are also more interested in detecting if users are actually seeking out your page amongst the competition.

Google’s more interested in user satisfaction signals, and you should be too.

More so than keyword density, for sure.


Expert SEO opinion on keyword density as a ranking signal

Over a decade ago I asked some of the world’s top SEO people and bloggers what they thought about optimal keyword density (KD) in SEO after talking privately about the subject with Tedster, of Webmasterworld (RIP). The discussion revolved around the question of ‘is there an ideal, a perfect or safe amount to aim for to improve rankings?’

QUOTE: “Hi Shaun, Did you catch my little provocation in the SEOmoz interview? My point of view may not be the majority opinion among webmasters, but I came to it by studying data from the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) (there’s quite a wide variation in keyword density) and by reading the search engine patents of recent years. That especially includes Google’s six phrase-based indexing patents, as we discussed on WebmasterWorld. And now for some history. In the 90s this idea caught fire that there was a movable “sweet spot” in the ranking algorithms for keyword density. The idea was that the dial would get turned all the time, especially at AltaVista – which was the “do or die” place to rank in those days. Some early SEO software attempted to reverse engineer the various theoretical sweet spots in the algorithms on a monthly basis – for density, prominence, occurrence and other factors.

That was the 90s, with search engine algorithms that were dumb as a doorpost. Whether any of them really used keyword density as a direct metric I can’t say with certainty – but I even doubt that. At any rate, today’s algorithms handle () stuffing abuses almost as a side effect of the many elements they are processing. They don’t even NEED to take a direct measurement. This doesn’t mean that a density tool can’t give a Webmaster some useful feedback. It can alert you when you go way overboard and don’t realize it. Likewise, you’ll get a wake-up call if you overlook having even a single use of your target keyword in text.

With so many tools online to attract eyeballs, this idea seems to be a myth that will not die. Many Webmasters swear by it and just assume that density is somehow a sophisticated SEO tool that they must use to succeed online. But among professional SEOs, you won’t usually hear such talk. For example, Rand Fishkin and I see eye to eye on this. Check out his article on Moz, where he surveyed 37 prominent SEOs about search engine ranking factors. The word “density” is not even on the page!” Tedster (RIP), WebmasterWorld, 2009


QUOTE: “Like everything in search – it has evolved. I think the old kw density calc is the new proximity calc. If the keyword isn’t on the page – it isn’t going to rank well (or at all) for that keyword. If the keyword isn’t in the title of the page, it is going to be tougher to rank for that keyword. If the keyword isn’t in the url, the task becomes more difficult. What about in a big header on the page? What about high on the page, or strategically spaced throughout the document? Offsite density? Anchor text is another type of density. I think keyword density needs to be changed to proximity density. It is closer heat map today than the pure numbers game of old.” Brett Tabke, WebmasterWorld Founder 2009


QUOTE: “I think keyword density is an over-rated concept. Even with similar keyword densities one page may rank while another does not. And that’s true even if they have the same link profile. That in and of itself should show the (lack of) value of keyword density. To explain how that concept works, consider a page that uses the exact same keywords at the start of the page title, at the start of their h1 tag, and in all their inbound anchor text. It may get filtered for being too closely aligned with the target keyword. Now imagine that the same page is redone, shifting word order is some spots, shifting singular to plural in some spots. Now the same page may not get filtered even if it has the same or similar keyword density.Keyword density also has two toxic side effects. Some people write what ends up sounding like robotic copy. Others, in an attempt to increase keyword density, end up editing out important keyword modifiers and semantically related phrases, which not only lowers their traffic (since they took many relevant words off the page), but also makes their page look less like other top ranked pages.” Aaron Wall, SEOBook, 2009


QUOTE: “It seems common sense that a document about Google will use the word Google more often while a document about Yahoo will use the word Yahoo more often. It also seems common sense that there should be some kind of cut-off point after which things don’t become more relevant upon repetition but instead become spam. In other words: there must be an optimum ratio of keywords:words. keyword density! Ta-da! The idea: if you are within a certain range, the “sweet spot”, you’re relevant. Under it and you’re irrelevant. Over it and it’s spam.

There are some clues we can use to figure out if our “well, it must be so” observations are correct or not. A very compelling clue is that search engines are in the science of information retrieval — and that in the science of information retrieval keyword density doesn’t play a role. Apart from academic “proof of (non) concept” models, there are no information retrieval models based on keyword density, certainly not commercial ones. This should be more than a clue to us. It should be an annoyingly loud alarm bell: if I reason with theory of keyword density but the very science behind search engines doesn’t give that theory any credibility … am I still on the right path?

Another clue comes from thinking about the words we use. One document has a keyword density of 3.25%, another a keyword density of 0.05%. Which one would be in the relevant keyword density range? … Now what if I were to tell you that the 0.05% keyword is mataeotechny (an unprofitable art or science… like keyword density), a word that appears 55 times on the web (56 times now…)? Some words “weigh” more, “mean” more simply because they’re less used than others. The theory of keyword density as a prediction model of relevancy fails terribly here, giving enormous weight to commonly used words and hardly any to rare words.

Yet another clue is the formula to arrive at “relevant” keyword density. That formula goes “number of keywords on words” then some magic happens “is relevant or not”. If keyword density were to be used to provide some kind of cut-off point, some kind of spam filter…. how would the cut-off point be calculated? By calculating the keyword density of every document, then taking the means of that? But what about our mataeotechny example? Oh, you would like to account for words that appear less often in the index? You just left the keyword density building and crossed the street into term weights. If your gut keeps telling you this just has to be true, I recommend reading and rereading the articles by Dr. E. Garcia until you either “get it” or can show for yourself where he blunders.” Ruud Hein, Search Engine People, 2009


QUOTE: “Repetition of keywords seems to have at least some effect on the rankings for those terms, particularly when combined with other factors such as the use of heading tags and title tag. However the effect is quickly lost if you stuff the keywords.” Tim Nash, 2009


QUOTE: “Yes and no. I don’t do it mathematically, but I make sure the keyword is there, and in the title and h1 tags ect. I guess I have done it long enough I don’t really think about. I think the antonyms and synonyms are more important than density, in fact there are a number of factors which are. But I think it’s best not to obsess and concentrate on a natural feel , if that is achieved correct keyword density will come naturally.” Lyndon Antcliff, 2009


QUOTE: “Oh well, I thought that thingy was beaten to death already. Optimal keyword density is a myth. Today’s search engines are way to smart to fall for such poor optimization methods. Even a single inbound link with a good anchor text can boost a page lacking the keyword in question so that it outranks every page with tuned keyword density.” Sebastian, 2009


QUOTE: “Hi Shaun – Happy to get involved. Keyword density gets less and less relevant all the time, at least for Google with Latent Semantic Analysis, Personalized Search, etc., etc.

Most results come from the ‘long tail’ of combinations of keywords. What counts is conversions to sales, if that’s your real business objective. Poorly executed SEO may even work against conversions if it turns off human prospects.” Barry Welford, Strategic Marketing Montreal, 2009


QUOTE: “Ask around; what is the best keyword density for a web page to rank well for a given term? Searching on the internet I found answers ranging from 2% to 12% and one as high as 20%. The interesting thing is they could all be right.

The one thing many people fail to take into consideration when looking for this magical number is the idea that it changes based on factors related to the page or search term. Additionally, its importance in the algorithm may also fluctuate based on external influences. Instead of hunting for that perfect density, it may help to better understand what part keywords play in getting a page ranked.

I shouldn’t have to say it, but unfortunately I do; a keyword or phrase needs to be on the page in order to rank well for the term. Can a page rank if the term is not on the page? Sure if it has inbound links using the terms, but it’s not going to rank very well on those alone. Using the keyword or phrase in a variety of ways throughout a page will greatly increase the chances of showing up higher in the rankings for that term.

Now back to density… Proper keyword density is a moving target. Two main factors are the total amount of words on a page and the competitiveness of the phrase in the engines.

When there are very few words on a page 6% density is a tough target to hit and make the copy readable. However, when the page has a large amount of copy 6% is much more manageable. When analyzing a page 6% of 1000 words may seem much less “spammy” than 6% of 100 words. The optimal keyword density of a page will change based on how many total words are on the page.

If a keyword phrase is unique and the competition in the search engines is low, a much lower or much higher keyword density may work just fine. The overall effect density has on search results is much broader when there is little or no competition. As the competition for a phrase increases, the keyword density target becomes more critical. Ironically, the density also plays a smaller and smaller part in ranking as the competition for a phrase increases.

To be fair, I tell people on a regular basis to target a 4% keyword density on a page. I do this primarily to get them thinking about how to use keywords on a page. I find having a set target is a good motivator and really helps a Webmaster or site owner to understand the importance of targeting a page to a specific phrase or set of words.

The hunt for the perfect keyword density is slowing down as more people realize natural language seems to fare just as well if not better in the search engine results. If you understand the fundamentals of targeting a page for a phrase, there is no reason to worry about keyword density. Just write good copy.” John Carcutt, 2009


 QUOTE: “Keyword density plays a significant role in ranking but like your meta data, domain age, backlinks, anchor text, or any other aspect of your page and domain, how your page ranks is always determined by the sum of its parts. Surrounding content and the amount of times in which your keyword phrase appears says a lot about the page and what it means. In fact, it should be obvious that its one of the most important indicators.

Using simple techniques such as bolding your phase or placing it within H2 tags will stress the importance of this phrase when your page is being crawled. Other things to consider would be placement within the page URL, title, description, and linking your phase to a site that also speaks to the content you’re creating. Be sure not to over-do-it however. If you’re () stuffing and it looks spammy to you then the chances of it looking spammy to a bot are probably pretty high. After you create your page you can use a simple density checking tool like to see how often your phrase is showing up.” Brendan Picha, Square Oak, 2009


QUOTE: “Shaun – Just for a different perspective, I took a look at the USPTO database, which only goes back to the early 2000s, and at Google Scholar.

There are 15 granted patents and 48 patent applications that use the phrase “keyword density.” None of those are from Google or Yahoo, and only a very few are from Microsoft and IBM, which also work in enterprise search. A number of the patent filings were applied for by Overture around the time of their acquisition by Yahoo, but focus upon paid search, referring to keyword density as something that non paid search may be using.

Google Scholar reveals 208 instances of the phrase keyword density and none of the documents listed appear to come from anyone working at a major search engine, though a 2006 paper from a Lycos researcher suggests the use of keyword density.

I’ve always considered keyword density to be more likely folklore than fact. I don’t think that will change.” Bill Slawski RIP, SEO By The Sea, 2009


QUOTE: “Using a ratio of keywords to the total text on a page is not a good metric for SEO anymore.

Yes, your keywords should be on the page…but beyond that, writing “naturally” is better SEO than worrying about keyword density.” Jim Boykin, Internet Marketing Ninjas, 2009


QUOTE: “Personally, I don’t use a calculator… nor do I don’t count the words in my post, but I am careful about the keywords I choose and I do eyeball my posts to see how long it is roughly. I’ve been a Webmaster enough years now that I don’t need to calculate the amount of words in my articles to know roughly how many keywords I would need to make the keyword density about right.

I have found that if I worry about the amount of times that a keyword or key phrase needs to appear throughout one of my posts or articles then my writing doesn’t flow very well. And, if my articles don’t flow well…. I’m going to lose my readers. If the people arriving on one of my sites don’t enjoy reading my work it doesn’t really matter if readers can find my in the SERPs or not….. they won’t be sticking around long enough to finish reading my choppy, non-flowing article. So, I try to worry less about keywords and more about content.

Don’t get me wrong…. I still think about keyword density. It’s just not my main focus….the content is. I come up with the keyword(s) I want to focus on in my post and then write. If I need to tweak my post with more or less keywords once it’s written…. I do so then.” Shana Albert, 2009


QUOTE: “I stopped “measuring” keyword density years ago. Instead I concentrated on keyword placement on the page using a rule of thumb stating that 3 instances of a keyword in the page copy is the minimum plus one for each 100 additional words you write makes sense. So I focused on the “where in the copy” using the keyword in the first sentence of the of the first paragraph etc. A year ago Google introduced the “Google bomb filter” which in practice checks if a page that is linked with a certain anchor text also contains this keyword.

At the end of 2007 I could test this as a client of mine was unable to grant me access to his site for internal reasons and I had to start with off site optimization first. He did not rank at all for the keywords I did link building for as long as the pages I linked did not contain the keywords.

So it is obvious that you still have to tell Google on the page what it is actually about. So you might want to check out which terms or words are the most used on your page. On the other hand you should always think of the user first as some terms just aren’t suitable to be repeated too much. Google does an increasingly good job at identifying
synonyms, acronyms and different spellings as one and the same term. So try to sound natural above all as otherwise the engine will find you but your visitors will bounce. Btw. Yahoo does not like high keyword density at all.” Tad Chef, SEO 2.0, 2009


QUOTE: “This is a topic I’ve heard a lot about from all corners of the web and everyone seems to have a varied opinion on it. I can only base by answer on my personal experience and my clients experience.

Is it a myth – no. If you want to rank for a keyword it obviously needs to be visible on the page, this should be a common understanding. Not just in the body copy but tagged appropriately and in the page title, description etc.

I never calculate the keyword density at all, it’s like saying to an artist you have too much red on your canvas, use a calculator to work out how much more to add or subtract from the painting. If you follow simple SEO guidelines and do good keyword research you should be fine. At the end of the day it’s about the user experience on your site that you should be concentrating on, and stuffing a page full of keywords will just take something away from their experience and could harm your brand.” Matt Ridout, SEO Unique, 2009


QUOTE: “At this point in the game, in 2008, I don’t spend a lot of time measuring keyword density. I believe that, overall, there are a lot of other factors that weight in just as much–if not more–than keyword density.

If you feel that you need to measure it, I would take a look at the current search results pages: measure the keyword density of the top 5-10 pages that are ranking well and get an average. I wouldn’t go too much higher or too much lower than what the average keyword density is on those pages that are already ranking well.

But again, I recently overheard a search engineer say, “Keyword density is the biggest myth out there right now.” Bill Hartzer, 2009


QUOTE: “I don’t believe modern search engines use keyword density as one of their query-dependent ranking factors. It, as we know it, has two fundamental flaws:

  1. Keyword density is only a local weight. The fact that a word appears many times on an specific page doesn’t help much in telling what is the page about when comparing it to other pages in the index. For example, what if the word that repeats the most is “www”? Google counts 21,940,000,000 documents with that word. That is probably not what most of those pages are about.
  2. Keywords density is easily manipulated by enough repetition.

I believe, as explained by Dr Garcia, that what search engines really use is term/keyword weights. Term weights don’t have the same flaws keyword density has.

Keyword weights are computed by : KW = Local* Global * Normalization.

  1. Keyword weights consider both local and global weights. A phrase that appears many times in a document but also appears in many other documents should have less weight than one that doesn’t appear as often. We can call this “rarity”. The only way search engines can tell documents apart is by paying attention to what words make them different. This is possible thanks to the Global component of that equation.
  2. Keyword weights are normalized. In order to avoid the difference in document sizes and repetition issues, weights are normalized. That is, their values are replaced by corresponding (directly proportional) values between 0 and 1.

The vector space model is one approach that has been explained as a way to measure the term weights. The cosine similarity is a very interesting concept that if/when current search engines implement it, we will see search results where the keywords do not appear in the content of the page or the text in the links pointing to the page. I personally don’t think vector space model is currently in use in modern search engines. The size of the vectors to make such computations at query time is simply too big. PageRank computation uses matrices of massive size, but PageRank is query-independent and it is pre-computed before any query is performed.

From the SEO point of view, I do see some limited use for keyword density, though. Let’s say for example, when you are simply comparing a single page to another for a very specific keyword you are targeting. Remember that when search engines compute the weights they are trying to determine the relevance of each page; but when we see the page ranking we already know that. So, we only need to determine why the search engine deemed that page important for that particular phrase. Assuming off-page factors are the same/similar, the keyword density can be useful in figuring that out as the term weight will be directly proportional.

Comparing top ten pages, averaging their values and thinking about a perfect keyword density of x% is definitely a waste of time.” Hamlet Batista, Rank Sense, 2009


QUOTE: “hmmmm….. Is ‘keyword density’ sh|te? I love that term. Write sh|te in exactly 2.5 percent of the total words in your post and you “rank number one for sh|te”.

That is the basis for keyword density. Obviously, every document has a specific keyword density for any given keyword. That doesn’t mean that Google has weighted each word so that tweaks in word number would always improve rankings.

The best any SEO can do? Test, make a hypothesis, test again. Even with multiple reiterations, the test would still only provide anecdotal evidence keyword density matters. Plus, there no way to isolate keyword density or any element from all the variables of a test, as well as the dynamic natural search landscape. Do your SEO competitors have zero impact on your SEO tactics?

The effectiveness of optimizing metadata elements always stimulates great debates. What is unique about keyword density? It ostensibly has an ‘optimal’ percentage. That is one reason why the keyword density theory is so often ridiculed.

The most-cited debunking of the myth, The Keyword Density of Non-Sense, was written by Dr. Edel Garcia (Orion), whose good friend, Mike Grehan, asked him after SES New York (2005) to do something about the unproven keyword density theories swirling around.

You can find the study in Mike Grehan’s newsletter, then co-authored with Christine Churchill, CEO of Key Relevance.

Garcia wrote an analysis combining IR (information retrieval), semantics and math but “no conclusion so readers could draw their own”.

Nacho Hernandez brought this article to Rand Fishkin’s attention in the Search Engine Watch Forums. Rand was 90 days into developing a tool to measure on-page term weight. After reading Orion’s article, he concluded “only an extraordinary budget and very talented programmer could build such a thing.”

There’s a grain of truth in keyword density theory: Google does look at keyword density in spam reduction, setting an undefined upper limit on () stuffing. Michael Gray has even debunked that concept with anecdotal evidence, showing how insanely high keyword density can rank high.” Kevin Heisler, Search Engine Watch, 2009


QUOTE: “Keyword density? Why don’t you ask about meta tags or submit robots instead? Do you think I am ancient enough to remember that mouldy question of early 90s? Well, believe me I am not! But I have something to say, but only if you ask. Honestly, it’s a great gimmick of all those snake oil SEOs who hit their customers and run away with their dollars. Yes, the concept is easy to grasp and even the dumbest of the dumb will see that you are doing some work on their site. Yes, it might possibly push the page in question 10 positions up in SERPs from page 2000 to page 1999. Your customer will even see the result this way. Ugly, dirty, but it works. Great concept.

Now seriously, if 10 years ago it might have been one of just about a dozen factors counted by SE in their ranking algorithms, nowadays they’d become a way more sophisticated. Certainly it never harms to have your target keywords in the text of your page and preferably not in one sentence, but that’s ABC of SEO. It sometimes helps to have one keyword of a pair to be repeated much more often than the second one. And no doubts you should use your target keywords in URL, Title, meta tags etc but that’s not even keyword density proper.

How would you see the degree in which on-site optimization decreased over the past 10 years? Now how about on-page optimization? Well, the importance of keyword density as a ranking factor decreased proportionally, and even if some might find this fact to a bit inconvenient for their sales tactics, it’s still stands as a fact.

No time-wasters next time please!” Sexy SEO, 2009


QUOTE: “Instead of looking at keyword density, I think it’s better to focus on keyword presence. Make sure that you’ve put the keyword(s) you’re targeting in your page’s title tag, meta description and in the content part.

Don’t stuff in extra keywords just to get that magic 3,22% or 7,08% keyword density (or whatever percentage you’re aiming to get), but make it look natural in stead.

If you let someone else read the text and he or she thinks it’s a good read and can explain exactly what the page is about, you’re probably ok. The anchor texts of incoming links and the surrounding text of those links will do the rest…” Wiep Knoll, 2009


QUOTE: “As far as I’m concerned for Google keyword density is a non-factor. I’m not saying the algorithms don’t take it into account at all, but I am saying it’s a bit fruitless to even worry about. Plus, in this day and age of the link and conversion mattering most, worrying about keyword density when you should be focusing on clear, actionable copy seems to be beside the point.

Keyword frequency matters to a certain degree, one would think. But again, if your writing comes off stilted and awkward, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Pay attention to titles and subheads, and creatively make the keywords and copy flow at those crucial points. Then go back and read the rest afterwards.

If your keywords and a few choice synonyms didn’t show up naturally in the body text, you’re probably not covering the topic all that well.” Brian Clark, Copy Blogger, 2009


 QUOTE: “It’s always important to properly utilise keywords on a page in such a way as to describe

  1. the meaning of the page,
  2. the uniqueness of the page, and
  3. the action required for users (if any) on the page.

Google & co have published various pages over the years that show that:

  1. they understand that there are linguistic relationships between certain types of words, whether between individual keywords or even acronyms, and
  2. block analysis should be presumed to be already in play, so work as though search engines can determine the meaning not simply of paragraphs, but also of individual blocks of text.

Page copy should ideally look to justify the keywords in the titles, headers, and further links by directly referencing these in the text, plus related keywords as required, and all in a format that enhances readability for human users in the relevant text areas of a page.

Do I use keyword density? No – I think the aim is to write intelligent copy and it’s important to bear in mind the impact of major ranking factors such as domain authority, page titles, and links (on-page and off-page).

If non-SEOs try to focus on keyword density I think they are more likely to both overlook these, and additionally treat keyword density as nothing more than a way to reduce useful pages into unreadable spam that denigrates the user experience, have little or no ranking impact, and prevent the page from converting as intended.

However, if a really good SEO copywriter uses any particular method in their craft, I’m not going to denigrate it as the most important thing in my opinion is simply a successful outcome, regardless if any part of the process may seem esoteric to outsiders.” Brian Turner, 2009


QUOTE: “What is the correct keyword density for Google? It is not really my thing because with blogs, if you have a keyword in the title, your keyword density changes depending on comments and trackbacks including the words.

If you don’t use a description, and even when you do, you quite often end up with the text for a trackback appearing in the snippet.

If you really want to maintain density, you can use a commenting system such as Disqus, but then your comments are hosted on a different domain, and you lose the benefit of the long tail and update frequency.” Andy Beard, 2009


QUOTE: “Shaun – the truth is simply that modern search engines have never used keyword density. Look through any intro to information retrieval course in any university on the planet and you’ll see that it’s been debunked as a high-cost, low return metric. Instead, they use term weight – TF*IDF – check out some good work on the subject from Dr. Edel Garcia (one of the few information retrieval scientists whose crossed over into SEO):

” Rand Fishkin, SEOMoz, 2009


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19 thoughts on “What is the best keyword density percentage for SEO?”

  1. Do I use Keyword Density? Yes

    If answer “what is KD” as simply the total number of times the word or phrase appears in the code for the page, KD is useless. Under that limited definition, a KD analyzer hasn’t provided effective clues about how to improve a page’s ranking in a decade.

    If you take a nuanced view to define KD analysis, and talk about a KD tool that measures keyword distribution throughout the page, you will discover that making sure the words and phrases are distributed throughout the document does impact your results.

    If you work with clients who ultimately write the content on the site, clients who are responsible for implementing the keyword road map, KD software that checks distribution is an analysis tool is an essential bit of your arsenal.

    Is a KD analyzer the most important software tool in SEO? No. Is it a “Myth”, a superstitious practice that provides no results? That depends on the nuance. Are you all so absolute in your pronouncement that density is dead that you have never go back into a page and edited the content to sprinkle in a few more occurrences? Whether you call it Keyword Density or on-page optimization, those little tweaks can help you move a site from the bottom of page 1 into the golden triangle.

    By the way, as of this moment your post contains about 4100 word in the body and you average 3.3% for “keyword”, with 135 occurrences 2.7% for density with 113 occurrences, 1.8% for “page” with 76 occurrences and 1% for SEO with 42 occurrences. You have a very good distribution throughout the body including similar values for the first 200 words of the body and 1 mention each “keyword” and “density” in the title along with 2 instances of SEO.

    Does that guarantee you will rank? No. Is this post likely to rank in the top 10 for these terms? Given the Sphinn, the profile of your contributors, and your obvious skill in promoting this piece, I imagine it will.

    You might want to through and add few instances of the keywords software (only 1 other occurrence before my post) or even the phrases like KD analyzer and KD analysis software. While I am happy to seed your post with the results of a little keyword research, you may need to sprinkle these phrase in a few more places on the page to rank them. :-)

  2. Good article about KD. Keywords on site are important, but well written copy is much more important. Don’t overdo with keywords on your site as it may be taken as keyword stuffing. Search engines don’t like keyword stuffing, they like original, interesting copy written for people, not for search engines. Search engines only enable people to find your copy, they don’t read it!
    Bottom line: write for people and you will be well treated by search engines.

  3. I tend to agree that KD plays a very small part of ranking a website. I think it’s fair to say that you need to have the keywords on a page most of the time to rank for them. And those that want to confirm that you can’t rank a page without the keywords on it, I have two words for you: “miserable failure”.

  4. This might have been useful had you sent each of the respondents a clear definition of “KD,” or at least asked them to define it clearly in the context of their response (giving them a checklist of factors would have focused them when constructing their own definition).

    Clearly, some of these SEO experts are talking at cross purposes, because their internal understanding of the definition of “KD” differs from that of some of the others.

  5. Mark, I take it you didn’t find all these opinions on KD and resource links useful then?

    You make a good point though. I could have structured this article better. I just wanted to gauge the level of general support in the community for what I think is a seo myth – that was sort of the scope of the article.

  6. Well, looks like I’ll scratch KD off my list of things to worry about. I do usually put it in the post title, and once or twice in the article, but after that I try not to thing about it too much. FYI . . . I see this post on page 2 of my google SERP for the phrase “KD” . . . and with only a density of 2% in the body ;)

  7. I really never focus on KD because it never help me ranked well on Google. Some forums still believe it effect your rankings but through my experiences, it has no effect whatsoever. I’ve actually tested this myth with one of my site and I build link to the page with an anchor text that wasn’t even found on my page. After 2 months of link building, the targeted anchor text was found #2 on Google even though the anchor text cannot be found on the page itself.

    It is not the density of the keyword, but it is the density of keywords linking to it. Hope that makes sense.

  8. Ruud, Barry, and Rand covered some great stuff on Information Retrieval and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Co-Occurence is truly the preferred method of figuring out the topical theme for a site over KD.

  9. I have an experience that I would like to share that will throw some more light on the relevance of KD on search engine optimisation and ranking of a website. We are a web design company with an active search engine marketing campaign that is managed by our in-house team of search engine marketing team. Our website is fairly new and as Search engine marketing is a highly competitive field, in the first phase of our search engine marketing strategy we concentrated on longer search phrases with less competition that main keywords such as web design company which have higher competition. After succeeding on receiving first page rank for our keywords, last month we started to concentrate on our main targeted keywords such as ‘web design company’ which has stiff competition. Initially we ranked on page 8. After increasing the KD and using the word web design in bold and headings a few times on our home page our rank moved to page 3 on Google for the word ‘web design company’. After a week or so we further increased the KD on our homepage by including the words/ Web design company’ a few more times in the copy of the text on the home page. Now our website ranks on Page 2 on Google for the keyword phrase. Although it is possible that this can be due to a combination of factors, I am quite positive that increasing the KD had a very important role to play in improving pour website s rank for the keyword.

  10. KD – including in the title, description and meta tags in combination with the length of the entire page – does in my opinion work well with google. However, if you have a total of 150 words and highly optimize for one or two terms and have a text density of that word at 50%, it does not matter. A page with 700 words and a text density of 7% for the term will likely outrank a 150 page 50% density term – can you say overoptimization? But you still have to factor in the term, total database competition, and PR, domain age etc,. If you have an aged domain with a decent PR – then KD can really help you move upward in the rankings. If you have a new site, then this will not be the case, you will need many backlinks, lots of articles etc.,

    There seems to be a lot of conflicting data out there on SEO, regarding just about every SEO measurement.

    I think we need to be a little clearer in terms of our experiences when we make generalized statements.

    Everything adds up – code efficiency, code errors, CSS efficiency, page load times, domain age, PR, link juice, crawl frequency, amount of competition.

    I mean obviously it is going to be more difficult to reach page one for the term poker than for the term donkeykong, because there are going to be a few million more pages to compete with.

    For some the only out, is long tail search, as one poster experienced. If you can move into more specific main terms after that great, but if not, then focus marketing dollars elsewhere and set client expectations.

    Everyone can not be on page one. There are too many firms out there promising to put you on page 1 or even slot one when it simply may not be possible given the vast competition.

    As the internet grows it theoretically should become more useful, however in my experience – and I have been online using search engines and programming web pages since 1995…is that the older the internet gets the more clogged it gets with crap. This is not changing. It will only get worse. Users will just have to educate themselves on how to search better.

    I remember when was really useful about 4 years ago. Now it is plastered with ads and articles that were once 1500 words long are down to about 250-300.

    I would rather pay a monthly fee to a quality search service that has no advertising whatsoever and allows me to personally rate and block results, and that scrapes all ads from all results. I can dream.

  11. I agree that keywords are overrated. However I caanot discount a recent personal experience that I woul like to share. I have been monitoring the effects of different seo techniques on my websites rank on Google. Towards the end I focused on less critical taks such as KD. I was surprised to see that increasing the density for one of our main keywords on the homepage did actually impact the website homepage’s rank on Google for the keyword phrase. What had an even larger impact on the homepage’s rank on Google for the keyword was increasing the density of that keyword phrase across the entire website. Adding keyword rich blog posts and articles on the other sections of the website had a much better impact than I expected.

  12. KD plays a vital role in keyword analysis and on-page and off-page optimization.
    > A one web page must have not more than the 3-4% KD.
    > you can calculate the density of a keyword with formula like – (p)2/c * 100

  13. There are many different ‘rumours’ about this topic:

    on my blog i noticed that some articles are ranking high for certain keywords, and other articles are not ranking good, while using the same keyword algorhythm while writing articles… what can be the reason of that?

    BTW thanks for this great resource :)

  14. hey Shaun,
    I would think that if there was a “KD” filter, this post would have tripped it for the term “KD” and would not rank for “KD”, yet, surprise, surprise, if you search google for “KD” you will find this post ranks #20 for “KD”, and maybe after this comment, this post about “KD” will rank even higher for “KD”. I think that says something! :)
    Steve, purveyor of fine portable trade show booths

  15. I’ve read a lot about this recently.

    There are lots of clever “density” style formulas, what ever you call them, they are all trying to imitate Google to get to the top.

    Having lots of relevant content “relating to the keywords”, using similar terms will help.

    As far as Tokenization, Filtration, Stemming etc. It’s all very good, but how long is linearization going to work. At some point google will start to form the page layout to determine what the user sees at the page top, not the computer looking at HTML order.

  16. Reading views of SEO experts in same article is a great thing for any SEO. And if the topic is KD then, the article become one of the most important thing to read. Thanks for doing such a hard work. From my point of view, one should take care of KD upto certain level without compromising the quality of content.

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