New Google Translation Tools: Edit Text, Change Language & Hear Translation Directly Within Search

Google has added new translation features, making it easy to edit translation search terms, change languages or hear the translations directly within search. Going off a tip from @WilliamHarvey, when searching the word “translate,” Google now delivers a quick search option for entering…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Does Google Have A Secret “Translate” Service & Why Should Search Marketers Care?

Google is probably the largest translation service globally with its popular Google Translate online service. It is also fighting spammers that auto translate content with this service and put it online. This is why I was so surprised to see that Googl…

Google Drops “Translated Foreign Pages” Search Option Due To Lack Of Use

Google has quietly dropped the “Translated Foreign Pages” search filter from the Google search options menu. Google tells us the option was removed due to lack of use but they say they are still committed to making the web available to as many people, in as many languages as possible….

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.