3 upcoming trends in paid search
What’s on the horizon for paid search? Columnist Mona Elesseily shares her predictions based on current trends in the search marketing world.
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Googling The Weather: From 20% Project To Sophisticated Query Analysis
Millions of us have asked Google to play weatherperson. In order to get an answer to one of our oldest and most basic questions, we type a variety of words and numbers — city names, neighborhoods and ZIP codes, plus words like “weather,” “forecast” or maybe…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Google Glass Diary, Part 4: Local Search & Navigation
Remember that first Google Glass video? It was published a little more than a year ago and gave the world its first glimpse at what Google had in mind for Glass. Even though Google described it as “an early concept video,” you can clearly see that local search and navigation was a key…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Google Drops “Translated Foreign Pages” Search Option Due To Lack Of Use
Google has quietly dropped the “Translated Foreign Pages” search filter from the Google search options menu. Google tells us the option was removed due to lack of use but they say they are still committed to making the web available to as many people, in as many languages as possible….
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.