(Not provided) on Google organic keywords is a reality. What now?
Google moves entirely to secure search, which means all organic keywords from Google will now be (not provided) in your web analytics system. How do we go from here?
Post from Agnete Tøien Pedersen on State of Digital
(Not provided) on Google organic keywords is a reality. What now?
Online Marketers: Make Sure You Surface The Right Content To Your Audience
When it comes to online marketing, the conventional wisdom has been that the overarching goal is to have content — any content, so long as it links back to my website — appear in front of the user. Put another way, the thinking for many has long been that the singularly-focused goal is…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Monetizing Site Search Queries
I believe that once everyone starts thinking clearly again after the last round of Penguin updates — focusing on their business rather than on ways to game the system or mass produce activities that are not scalable — we can get down to action that can actually move the needle. One such…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.