Only 6% Of Top 100 Fortune 500 Companies Have Sites That Comply With Google’s Mobile Requirements
Last month at the SMX Advanced Conference in Seattle, the head of Google’s webspam team Matt Cutts briefed the audience on the importance of mobile SEO. “You really need to be thinking about mobile,” said Cutts during his keynote session, “We’re starting to think a lot…
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Google’s Mobile “Quick View” Trial Appears To Be Over
Google appears to have quietly put an end to a long-running trial that added a “quick view” option next to mobile (smartphone only) search results from select websites. The feature offered searchers a fast way to see a lightweight version of a web page without having to fully click…
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Mobile Site Configuration & The Vary HTTP Header
Yesterday, Google announced more changes to the Google mobile search algorithm, which we can expect to roll out shortly. This update is intended to improve the search experience for mobile users by “address[ing] sites that are misconfigured for smartphone users” — presumably by…
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Google’s Cutts Talks Structured Data Beta, Mobile Site Speed Need, Penalty Notices To Get Example Links & More
Last night at SMX Advanced, Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts was on stage to answer questions about Google search and webmaster topics with Danny Sullivan. We covered the session in live blog format and we pulled out several key points. Of all my years watching Matt Cutts talk, I…
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Google: Pages With Bad Mobile SEO Won’t Rank As Well In Future
Google announced this morning they are rolling out search ranking changes to help recognize common mistakes webmasters make with their mobile configurations and auto-correct them in the search results. Google’s Yoshikiyo Kato and Pierre Far said: To improve the search experience for…
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Google Tests Larger Video Thumbnails In Tablet Search Results
Google Operating System blog has screen shots of Google showing larger thumbnail images for videos that come up in the search results. The larger video thumbnails show up for the first video result on tablet devices. I personally tried to replicate thi…
Will Enhanced Campaigns Drive Mobile CPCs Down?
There are two pieces of conventional wisdom surrounding Google’s Enhanced Campaigns that seem to get tossed around a lot without much thought or examination. The first is that this new campaign model will make it easier for small advertisers to get into the mobile advertising game. The second…
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Google Maps Expands European Biking Directions, Adding Hundreds Of Kilometers Worth Of Bike Paths
Originally launched in beta mode for a number of European countries last year, Google Maps has enabled biking directions for Germany, France, Poland, Ireland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. By working with partner organizations, as well as adding hundre…
Report: Google To Bid For Waze — To Shut It Down?
According to a just-published Bloomberg report Google is preparing a bid for Waze. Earlier this month rumors indicating Facebook was in late-stage acquisition talks with Waze for roughly $1 billion appeared online. Other parties (Apple, Microsoft) may …
Google Testing Ads In New Google Maps, Pushes AdWords Location Extensions
If you needed another reason to get your location extensions set up in AdWords, Google has announced its testing new ads in the new Google Maps. AdWords search ads set with location extensions can appear directly below the search box and on the map itself. Ads without location extensions can appear…
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Google Updates AdWords Express Sign-Up Process, Ad Copy Preview And Dashboard
Google has updated the interface for AdWords Express, Google’s AdWords product designed for small businesses. Among the interface updates are a redesigned dashboard to show an at-a-glance look at ad views (impressions), clicks and calls generated as well as a pie chart that tracks monthly…
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Exploring The New More Dynamic, More Social Google Maps
At the Google Developer conference keynote this morning in San Francisco one of the clear highlights was the introduction of a redesigned Google Maps experience for the PC and mobile. The New Google Maps are available now with an invitation. Already th…
Google Search App With Google Now Breaks Into iTunes Top 10
When Google first released its updated Google Search app last October, it never made the iTunes top ten and, last week, wasn’t even in the top 100. But the addition of Google Now helped the app make the top ten in less than a week. Google relaunched its app last October with Siri-like voice…
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Relax, The Search Industry Is Doing Just Fine
For enterprise SEM practitioners looking to set budgets or otherwise anticipate their needs in the space for the months and years ahead, it’s been a particularly difficult time to get a read on how the industry is really trending. Conflicting data and opinions abound; new threats to the…
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Potential iOS Market For Google Now Is 2.5X Larger Than Android “Now” Base
Google Now for iOS and Android are almost identical in their look at feel. And aside from a few “cards,” the same is true of their content. But, there are some differences behind the scenes worth noting: one of them is the fact that with its launch on iOS this morning, Google Now is…
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iPhone & iPad Users To Get Google Now, As It Comes To iOS
Previously Android-only, Google’s “predictive search” tool Google Now is now available for the iPhone and iPad. It’s part of an updated Google Search App for iOS. Google Now for iOS had been anticipated since March, when Engadget discovered a promotional video suggesting it…
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Top 5 Mobile SEO Tips For M-commerce & Retail
Clearly I’ve broken my own resolution when it comes to not talking about responsive Web design, as I’ve done so for the past two months. This month, I’m taking a break so I can focus on resolution #1: giving more tactical advice on how to do mobile SEO well. Today’s column…
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Google Quick View Badge Field Trial
Google announced a new Google field trial experiment for a feature they’ve been quietly testing named Quick View. The Google Quick View badge is found on a select number of sites when a searcher uses Google Mobile search from their smartphone. The feature is currently working for Wikipedia on…
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