Google is still figuring out how to to suck you into Google Plus
Wired has an interesting view on Google’s attempts to set its social network on fire.
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Google Plus Lets More Users Get Custom / Vanity URLs (What’s the Buzz?)
It’s amazing how some weird things like this create the real bu
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Getty Scores, Gets Cash from Pinterest
Getty Images and Pinterest announced a partnership where Pinterest pays to put meta data
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Google+ adds new author attribution & embedded posts
Google are again pushing google+
This time google have added a great update to make it easy for publishers to link up the + profile to posts made on blogs.
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Topsy Has Indexed Your Tweets – every single one of them…ever.
Topsy, a social search engine, states they’ve managed to index ever tweet ever made…
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Twitter updates UI to show connections in conversations
Just noticed twitter it now shows a blue line in between people you follower whom are having more
Are you asking your questions on social media or searching for answers? (study via @stonetemple)
There’s a great study at stonetemple that got me thinking: Is all that “Listen to social media buzz” concept we a
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Waze data now updating Google Maps App
The social real time traffic data from the waze community is now integrated into Google Maps App.
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Twitter Introduces Related Headlines
Twitter is rolling out a new feature called “Related Headlines”. This feature will show a related news story link from a page that embeds a tweet.
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Grow up and start pitching properly @rhyswynne
I blame spammy email pitches for taking 1 hours of my life daily…
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Comments are content and you ARE responsible for your UGC @anildash
Ok, this is an old article but I couldn’t resist. I mean, how can you resist spreading a message like this? Just read this:
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Most marketers hate Google+
Corey O’Laughlin at MarketProfs Daily Fix has posted the results from an informal poll asking marketers if t
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Foursquare Rolls out Self-Serve Advertising
Foursquare is the latest website to build their own advertising platform.
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Twitter fakes real users’ tweets to promote ad platform
It’s now been removed but twitter added tweets to “real” twitter accounts for a promo ad of how good the company integrates with TV ads.
SFgate posted:
Facebook testing a prompt for page updates
It looks like just getting folks to “Like” your business page is no longer going to be enough.
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Google+ Caught Spamming People Every 2 Weeks
Google is on a really big push nowadays to get users to sign up for Google+, and to fill out their profile completely.
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Reddit Removes Atheism and Politics from the Front Page, Announces new Default Sub-Reddits
In a not-to-surprising move, Reddit has removed /r/atheism from the default home page of the website.
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Instagram adds embed feature for Videos and Images
I’m not an Instagram user, probably because I’m too old to enjoy seeing my food in Sepia filter, mostly because I got my fill of that by watching the Wonder Years.
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What does it feel like to go viral?
Reading this post about accidentally going viral and how it hard then to get rid of the fear that was your hugest accomplishment in life (and it pa
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Social media’s role in customer service – big brands clue in
Big companies NEED to use social media as a customer service tool. Social media works best for carrying on a conversation, not for sales, so this isn’t surprising.
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