Record numbers streamed World Cup games from mobile devices
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) recently released some information regarding World Cup view
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Love Android but hate Google? Now you can have a Google free Android device!
With the help of some linux hackers, you can now have an Android phone, that is completely free of Google’s software!
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Google Now Indexes Mobile Applications and Displays Them In Mobile Search
Google announced yesterday that they are now able to index pages with in a mobile app and then display them with a coresponding site with in mobile search results.
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Page One or…oblivion…?
Article looking at CTRs on mobile devices. Essentially, the point here is if you’re on page one, enjoy it, but if you’re not, things get dicey for ya…
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Google Is Starting To Creep Me Out Big Time!
If you haven’t heard of Google Now yet, you really should take a look at it….a serious look at it….This mobile app/platform tracks your movement
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Google’s Databoard – Didn’t they say info-graphics are bad?
I’ve been having a play with the Google Databoard and it seems to have a lot of potential.
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Current State of Smartphones (Infographic)
Infographic is a bit shallow, but gives something of an overview.
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Internet for the Masses – Google take a lot of crap….
.. but for reasons like this, this is why (on balance) I still love the company.
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Google announce Changes in rankings of smartphone search results
Google’s official blog has just post about changes to the search result for mobiles.