Search Engines Ixquick & StartPage Double Up On Security Measures With 2 New Encryption Standards
On the heels of the US PRISM scandal, private search engines Ixquick and its partner site StartPage are leveraging new encryption methods that offer higher levels of security beyond the standard SSL encryption. With a combined four millions searches da…
StartPage, Ixquick Passed 4 Million Daily Searches On Monday
StartPage and Ixquick, sister search engines that offer private searching, announced that they surpassed four million daily direct searches on Monday. The announcement comes about three weeks after the parent company announced that they reached three m…
Spurred By PRISM Scandal, StartPage & Ixquick Surpass 3 Million Daily Searches
Alternative search engines are having a good week, likely thanks to public awareness and concern over data and privacy issues being raised by the PRISM scandal. StartPage and Ixquick, two small search engines from the same company, announced this week …