ReadWrite, Fashionista and Remodelista up for sale?
digiday yesterday posted about Say Media looking to sell it’s news sites.
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Virgin America launches brilliant content marketing campaign
If you listen to any comedian ever, they have a bit about airlines. Celebrities also regularly vent their frustrations with various airlines via Twitter.
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Gerry McGovern article: Do You Really Want to Do Content Fake Marketing?
It’s been a while since I came across an article like this. One with a seething tone that doesn’t sound petty.
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50 Places to Repurpose Your Web Conferences as Video Content (or share ANY content)
How to turn your webinars into videos and upload them to all the video hosting services then share them 50+ places.
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The Getty Launches Open Content Program,
MIT’s OpenCourseWare (which is freaking awesome btw) just made a blog post saying that the J.
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List of 29 Sites for Free to use Images
Inc magazine published a list of 29 sites for free images written by Chelsea Blacker from Blue Glass UK.
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Technorati refusing guest posts from existing contributors
In the middle of submitting a post on Technorati, a writer who has written there for years received this message:
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SearchNewsCentral: Google on Guest Blogging: Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid
We need to discuss the best ways to guest blog without getting slapped.
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Content Marketing Solutions and Best Practices Tips from me in an interview on SEJ
Includes blog outreach platforms worth checking out and what to focus on when placing content:
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Rich Snippets – if you have the chops, here is some great info from SMX
Excellent overview of the recent Rich Snippets expert-level session at SMX Advanced. THIS is the sort of thing that every session at SMX should bring. If you understand what Rich Snippe
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