Understanding the Influential Network in the Music Industry

billboardDuring his talk at RIMC, Matt Roberts used Linkdex to visualise ‘who to take for lunch’. Here’s an analysis of who influences who in the music industry.

Post from on State of Search
Understanding the Influential Network in the Music Industry

Think Tank mini-conference on ‘Influencer Marketing’

linkdex_logo-largeContent marketing software company Linkdex is organising a free to attend event next week, Thursday 27 June, as part of their series of Think Tank mini-conferences. The upcoming event will focus on ‘influencer marketing’, and features a range of high profile industry speakers such as Stephen Pavlovich from Wish.co.uk, 10Yeti’s Andy Barr, and Pete Wailes read more »

Post from on State of Search
Think Tank mini-conference on ‘Influencer Marketing’