Google Tracking How Busy Places are by Looking at Location Histories
Google Maps helps people navigate from place to place. In order for it to work effectively, it’s helpful if it can track the location of the device that someone may be using to help them navigate. It’s interesting how Google tracks your location. I’ve noticed that after I take a photo near a business, Google […]
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2016 Important SEO Patents from Google
A couple of days ago, Gianluca Fiorelli published a thoughtful look at the Search Industry in past year, and the year to come at Moz titled SEO and Digital Trends in 2017. He included a graphic within that which listed things that he considered important events in the industry, including patents that had been granted […]
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A New Search Results Evaluation Model from Google
Search Results (SERPS) are no longer about showing pages that are ordered by rankings for a query term. A Google paper shows us a different way of thinking about them in our age of structured Snippets and featured snippets mixed with URL search results. The paper is: Incorporating Clicks, Attention and Satisfaction into a Search […]
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Answering Featured Snippets Timely, Using Sentence Compression on News
A couple of Augusts ago, I went to a Semantic Business and Technology conference where the head of Yahoo’s Knowledge Graph, Nicolas Torzec, discussed how updates took place to the knowledge graph when some earth-shaking event took place. He told us that they were manually editing information in that knowledge graph. Upon hearing that, I […]
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Ranking Events in Google Search Results
This summer, Google was granted a patent that describes how the search engine might rank events based upon data that might indicate the popularity of those events, without relying on things such as the number of links pointed to pages about those events. The patent involves ranking events that occur in physical locations. Examples of […]
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Learning SEO by Looking at Anomalies
Sometimes one of the best ways to learn is to question why you see something that you possibly shouldn’t be seeing. This can produce more interesting lessons than even digging into things like patents and whitepapers. For instance, I published a post last night, October 4th, 2016, on Context Vectors. On Twitter this morning, Dan … Continue reading Learning SEO by Looking at Anomalies →
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Google Patents Context Vectors to Improve Search
One of the limitations of information on the Web is that it is organized differently at each site on the Web. As a newly granted Google patent notes, there is no official catalog of information available on the internet, and each site has its own organizational system. Search engines exist to index information, but they … Continue reading Google Patents Context Vectors to Improve Search →
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Twitter Poll – How Does Google Index Content on the Web?
I thought this was an interesting question to ask people because I think it’s often misunderstood. Google treats content found at different URLs as if it is different content, even though it might be the same, such as in the following examples: One of the most interesting papers I’ve … Continue reading Twitter Poll – How Does Google Index Content on the Web? →
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Machine Learning Inside Google
Understanding Systems When I was in high school, one of the required classes I had to take was a shop class. I had been taking mostly what the school called “enriched” courses, or what were mostly academic classes that featured primarily reading, writing, and arithmetic. A shop class had more of a trade focus. I … Continue reading Machine Learning Inside Google →
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How Google May Map a Query to an Entity for Suggestions
Search predictions come from: – The terms you’re typing. – What other people are searching for, including trending searches. Trending searches are popular stories in your area that change throughout the day. Trending searches aren’t related to your search history. – Relevant searches you’ve done in the past (if you’re signed in to your Google … Continue reading How Google May Map a Query to an Entity for Suggestions →
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Google’s Reasonable Surfer Patent Updated
Systems and methods consistent with the principles of the invention may provide a reasonable surfer model that indicates that when a surfer accesses a document with a set of links, the surfer will follow some of the links with higher probability than others. This reasonable surfer model reflects the fact that not all of the … Continue reading Google’s Reasonable Surfer Patent Updated →
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Satisfaction a Future Ranking Signal in Google Search Results?
Do you search through Google on your phone? How do you know whether or not Google is watching you as you do and keeps on eye on whether or not you like the results you receive during your searches? Could Satisfaction with search results be a ranking signal that Google may use now, or in … Continue reading Satisfaction a Future Ranking Signal in Google Search Results? →
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Google Cross Device Tracking and Audio Watermarks
Advertising on the Web is going through some changes because of how smart phones and tablets track visitors on a site, and how advertisements may broadcast high-frequency sounds that may act as audio watermarks that other devices can pick up upon. Imagine watching TV, and your TV broadcasts a high-frequency sound from an advertisement that … Continue reading Google Cross Device Tracking and Audio Watermarks →
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Will Google Start Reading Text in Images on the Web Soon?
Googlebot Doesn’t Read Pictures of Text During Web Crawls When I was an Administrator at Cre8asiteforums (2002-2007), one of my favorite forums on the site was one called the Website Hospital. People would come with their sites and questions about how they could improve them. One problem that often appeared was people having problems being … Continue reading Will Google Start Reading Text in Images on the Web Soon? →
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Recalculating PageRank
A Google patent was granted on October 20th, 2015 titled Producing a ranking for pages using distances in a Web-link graph. It presents some changes to Google’s original PageRank. I wrote about the very first PageRank patent in my post The First PageRank Patent and the Newest, where I posted a link to the original … Continue reading Recalculating PageRank →
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Move over Google Author Rank, Make way for Google Authoritative Rank
An authoritative user is a user of one or more computer-implemented services (e.g., a social networking service) that has been determined to be authoritative (e.g., an expert) on one or more topics that can be associated with one or more queries This quote comes from a patent that was granted on Tuesday at the USPTO … Continue reading Move over Google Author Rank, Make way for Google Authoritative Rank →
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SEO from Google’s Direct Answers
Google has started showing Direct answers to questions related to SEO. That has made me wonder how much someone could learn abvout SEO at Google with those direct answers, and I wanted to see what terms google was showing results from and which sources. I expect there to possibly be a log of churn in … Continue reading SEO from Google’s Direct Answers →
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A Replacement for PageRank?
Representatives from Google announced recently that they would no longer be updating the PageRank toolbar signals for web pages. Google had been updating those 3-4 times a year for over a decade. Does this news indicate that Google is no longer using PageRank, or that PageRank has changed in some significant way? (The ranking signal […]
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New Panda Update; New Panda Patent Application
Google’s Pierre Far announced on his Google+ page that Google was releasing a new Panda update that supposedly included some new signals that could potentially help “identify low-quality content more precisely.” The Google+ post also tells us that this change can help lead to a “greater diversity of high-quality small- and medium-sized sites ranking higher, […]
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Using Query User Data to Classify Queries
It can be difficult classifying a query for a search engine based upon the query itself. For example, you could classify the query “lincoln” based upon: President Abraham Lincoln The location, Lincoln,Nebraska The Lincoln brand of car (shown with old time Hollywood star Tom Mix). Query Answering with User Behavior Data Search engines usually store […]
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