Boost Your Campaigns By Becoming An Expert Search “Forecaster”

In the Greater Seattle area, you never know what spring weather will bring — cloudy at 8 a.m., sunny at noon, pouring down rain at 5. I always start the day with a check of the forecast, so I know what to expect. In the same vein, anyone planning a search advertising campaign should know…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Does Google Have A Secret “Translate” Service & Why Should Search Marketers Care?

Google is probably the largest translation service globally with its popular Google Translate online service. It is also fighting spammers that auto translate content with this service and put it online. This is why I was so surprised to see that Googl…

Suing Your SEO: Can An Agency Be Held Liable For Poor Results?

It was only a matter of time before a lawsuit was filed against a search engine optimization agency for failing to deliver. Last week, the legal marketing industry was aTwitter (and aFacebook and even aPlus) with news that law firm Seikaly & Stewart had filed a lawsuit against The Rainmaker…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.