Mobile Ecommerce: Optimise Your Product Pages for Mobile
Your mobile product pages are probably the least explored quick win opportunity your marketing team could exploit. To benefit fully; we need to understand the important differences between mobile and desktop. Often however, we see retailers lumping mobile together with desktop; a toxic decision when it comes to conversion and organic search performance. Smarter retailers […]
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For Product Brands, Consider Paid Search Ads On Retailers’ Sites Instead
Last year, Google made what was to some a surprising announcement: its previously free Google Product Search would become Google Shopping, which would ask a fee of product brands and retailers that wanted to be included in new Product Listing Ads. I can’t say that I disagree with…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
4 Recent Changes To SEO That Are Vital To Holiday Retail Strategy
It’s the holiday season again, and while certain sectors may be winding down for a relaxing month of festivities, online sellers are revving up their retail strategy. It’s a crucial, make-or-break time of year for retailers to excel in customer service, gift-wrapping services, and, of…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Brand Bias: 70% Of Consumers Look For Known Retailers When Doing Product Searches
New research from Search Engine Land and SurveyMonkey shows that consumers have a definite brand bias when it comes to searching for products online. According to data from a survey conducted last month, almost 70 percent of US consumers said they look for a “Known retailer” when…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
4 Paid Search Strategies To Advertise Your Entire Product Catalog
Over the last half decade, consumers have increasingly turned to search as an integral step in their purchase cycle. The convenience of online shopping, ability to quickly compare prices, and the wide selection of products and brands have fostered a hi…
3 Paid Search Strategies For Maximizing Brand Equity In Retail
Paid search continues to be a highly effective channel for retailers, driving traffic and a profitable return on investment (ROI). In fact, retail advertisers invest more in paid search than almost any other industry. For the most part, search represen…