Can Bing Be More Competitive In Search?
Recently, Nathan Safran wrote a piece titled, “The Bing Dilemma: What To Do With The Little Search Engine That Can’t.” In it, he posits that everything Bing has done in the past to grab market share is not working, partly because people are so used to using Google that any hope of…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Live @ SMX West: What Is Hummingbird & The Entity Search Revolution
Google’s Director Of Research Peter Norvig once told me, “Search should be like HAL in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. It should understand what people say – hopefully without killing anybody.” Google has made huge strides toward achieving that goal, most recently and…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
From 10 Blue Links To Entity SERPs: Is Your Website Ready?
Search is changing and along with it the landscape of search results. SERPs are more adaptive, more engaging, more informative, more interactive and more personalized. The adoption of Semantic Search- and Semantic Web-related enhanced displays in SERPs…
Succeeding With Content In A Mobile World
In 2013, mobile traffic in the US almost doubled. Cyber Monday of 2013 was the year that cyber Monday went mobile. And, according to Gartner, Q2 of 2013 was the first time that sales of smartphones surpassed sales of feature phones, with the former accounting for 51.8 percent of mobile phone sales…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Should Subject Experience Optimization Be The New Definition Of SEO?
I recently put forward the concept that we should rename SEO to “Subject Experience Optimization,” and I want to explain why I think all marketers should be on board with this. Google has made a lot of updates to their webmaster guidelines recently, and the common thread in most of…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Future SEO: Linked Open Data (LOD)
As mentioned in my column on string entity optimization, the use of structured data allows search engines like Google to understand your page content so it can display better search results, or answers, to user queries. This month, I’ll focus on Linked Open Data (LOD), which will allow you to…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
The Bright Side Of Not Provided
It’s been a few weeks since Google rocked our worlds and stripped keyword-level data from the referrer, so it’s time to examine the fallout and see what’s changed in the world of search marketing. Surprisingly, not much. Keywords were beacons of insight – fantastic beacons – but keywords were a…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Eating My (Key)Words: Changing The Way We Think About SEO
I have glimpsed the future of search, and it is not keyword-driven. While I have long been an advocate of using keywords as an indicator of a searcher’s intent, I am about to eat my words. The truth is that search is heading in a direction that most of us could not have foreseen… a […]
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Live @ SMX East: The Coming “Entity Search” Revolution
Yesterday, at Google’s 15th birthday celebration Google revealed its new “Hummingbird” search algorithm. Many observers believe that this may be the most significant change that Google has made in years—and it’s a change no serious search marketer can afford to ignore or overlook….
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Future SEO: String Entity Optimization
Imagine the future of SEO — a future in which you forget about using keywords or their synonyms multiple times on a page. In the future, this will be obsolete. Search engines of the future will provide users with answers to their queries by internally verifying validated data that link to…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.