Where SEM Is Concerned, Google+ Appears To Be Alive And Well
Last week saw a flurry of speculation on the future of Google+ after the head of Google+, Vic Gundotra, announced his departure. The question raised most often is whether Google+ is going away. Although some are reporting that G+ will kill the product …
5 Go-Tos To Make Online Reviews Work For Your Business
By now, everyone knows that online reviews can have a tremendous impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions. Ultimately, a single review — positive or negative — can tip the scale in favor of one company over another. No doubt, the power of reviews on Google+, Yelp, Angie’s…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
How Google Plus Profiles & Pages Gain Search Authority
At SMX East this past October, I gave a presentation titled, “Putting the SEO Power of Google+ to Work.” The centerpiece of that presentation was a first peek at a study I’d conducted that seemed to confirm my hypothesis that Google+ profiles and pages gain authority for ranking…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
What Everybody Missed About Hummingbird: Social Signals
Danny Sullivan joined me for a live broadcast event via a Hangout on Air (HOA) this past Halloween, and this included a major revelation about Hummingbird and Social signals. Scott Scowcroft has done an awesome job of extracting this part of the broadc…
How To Leave Anonymous Business Reviews In Google+
For a long time, I’ve had some doctor friends complaining to me that once Google Places changed over to the new Google+ format, all their patients lost the ability to leave anonymous reviews (thus hurting their business and their rankings). They asked me what to do; and I, in turn, asked my…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Study Shows No Clear Evidence That Google Plus Drives Ranking
At SMX Advanced, I presented results from a study we had done that convinced me that links in shares from Google Plus and Facebook behave like traditional web-based links. My statements at SMX Advanced were later disputed by Matt Cutts during his keyno…