Does changing your business phone number affect SEO?
How you handle the process of changing your business phone number can impact your SEO, but also customer trust and their perception of your brand.
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Guide to call tracking and the power of AI for analyzing phone data
An in-depth guide to call tracking technology that reviews how these tools help marketers connect digital campaign data to inbound customer phone calls.
The post Guide to call tracking and the power of AI for analyzing phone data appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
Mobile Calls Are The New Conversions: 7 Tips For SEMs
Are you seeing depressing plateaus, or even declines, in your year-over-year conversion numbers? The fact is that a huge portion of search activity is moving to mobile. Soon, mobile activity will account for over 50% of searches. The problem is that the mobile conversions don’t follow the…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
5 Conversion Tracking Tips For AdWords
Last month, I covered how to use call tracking for AdWords to shed some light on how to track phone calls as conversions. This month, I’d like to continue in that vein and share some more tips for tracking and optimizing by conversions, whether they are of the call or online variety. When I…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Demystifying Call Tracking In AdWords
Recently, I’ve been helping more companies in the local vertical; and for many of them, the ultimate goal of buying search ads is to get a phone call from a new prospect. Tracking these types of offline conversions has always been complicated, and I have to admit that one of the product areas…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.