Site migration – how we make sure a domain migration is successful for SEO
How we make sure a domain migration is successful for SEO 1. Objectives and benchmarking: track the metrics that matter from the start It’s vital that from the very beginning of a migration project that objectives and KPI’s are established …
Excel Fuzzy Lookup for SEO: Effortless 404 and site migration redirects
Fuzzy Lookup is an Excel add-in that can be a clever solution for automating SEO tasks. Here’s how you can use it for 404 and site migration redirects.
The post Excel Fuzzy Lookup for SEO: Effortless 404 and site migration redirects appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
Site migration – how we make sure a domain migration is successful for SEO
Because getting it wrong can be a terminal blow to a business.. SEO consultants share a nightmare: finding out that their client has decided to change their site’s domain with no notice given or thought set aside for the impact on their organic search visibility. Even in 2018 with all the free SEO material available […]
The post Site migration – how we make sure a domain migration is successful for SEO appeared first on Builtvisible.
Planning for mixed content during HTTPS migrations
Last week, Google announced that in July 2018 it would make another major stride towards the complete normalisation of HTTPS encryption. Version 68 of the Chrome browser will be the first to explicitly mark all HTTP pages (i.e. every URL served over the legacy protocol) as “not secure”. Operating a secure checkout on a predominantly insecure site is no […]
The post Planning for mixed content during HTTPS migrations appeared first on Builtvisible.
HTTPS Migration – What You Need To Know & How We Did It
Google is encouraging webmasters to upgrade to HTTPS sooner rather than later but there’s potentially lots that can go wrong. Minimise the risk with this handy checklist and case study from Guy Levine.
Post from Guy Levine
Five common website redesign and rebranding mistakes to avoid
There is a lot of pre-planning and execution needed from an SEO perspective to ensure a website retains the keyword rankings and organic traffic you have built up in the past.
5 Reasons You Lose Traffic After a Website Migration & How You Can Prevent It
When a site migration goes wrong and a site loses traffic, it’s usually because of one (or more) of 5 common reasons. Daniel Bainchini explores these reasons and offers SEO remedies for each one.
Post from Daniel Bianchini
Five things to remember for a smooth, catastrophe-free site migration
SEO should be the cornerstone of any site migration strategy. SEOs need to get in on the action from the word go, to safeguard our most important asset.
Why technical seo is so much more than just ‘make-up’
Technical SEO is vitally important it is for your website, and provides the foundations for an effective search strategy. I was prompted … read more
Site Migrations and Rebranding: Everything you Need to Know, Hangout
State of Digital organises a hangout about rebranding and site migrations, what to do and what not to do. Top tips from experts!
Post from Bas van den Beld on State of Digital
Site Migrations and Rebranding: Everything you Need to Know, Hangout