Targeting the Mindset of the Customer #SMX

SMX LondonFirst session at SMX London 2013 run by Christine Churchill from Key Relevance looking at targeting the mindset of the customer.

Post from on State of Search
Targeting the Mindset of the Customer #SMX

The focus keyword in WordPress SEO

This question pops up time and again: why can I only add one focus keyword to your SEO plugin? People seem to think they have to set several keywords for each post. This post explores the reasoning behind that, very deliberate, decision. This is the input field I’m talking about: The focus keyword is not…

The focus keyword in WordPress SEO is a post by on Yoast – Tweaking Websites.

A good WordPress blog needs good hosting, you don’t want your blog to be slow, or, even worse, down, do you? Check out my thoughts on WordPress hosting!