Five most interesting search marketing news stories of the week
This week, we’ve got stories from Bing, Google and Instagram, plus a look at how a new search engine powered by AI is transforming scientific research, and why the fake information epidemic could be damaging to local search.
New AI Based Yandex Search Algorithm Palekh
All your questions answered about Yandex’s new search algorithm, Palekh. Gain a better understanding of the way AI is shaping the search world with a look at Yandex’s use of deep neural networks and improving the search engine’s understanding of queries.
Post from Melissa McDonald
Unlocking creative big data: the greener pastures of cloud-based data infrastructure
An article by Cedric Chambaz for State of Digital: Unlock the creative potential of big data with machine learning, AI and a touch of left field thinking.
Post from Cedric Chambaz
When is a search engine not a search engine? When it’s Google, says the EU
Does the new definition actually mean anything for the search engine industry? I highly doubt it. The current players in the search engine market have spent years refining their methods, and aren’t going to suddenly change tack because of an already fairly unpopular EU directive.
A first look at Plonked, the new search engine for business
Earlier this month came the launch of a brand new search engine dedicated to providing in-depth insights into the business world. Its … read more
Everything you need to know about Wikimedia’s ‘Knowledge Engine’ so far
If you’ve been following the news about Wikipedia over the past few weeks, you might have heard about ‘Knowledge Engine’, the secret search engine project that was supposedly going to take on Google.
Going over to the duck side: a week using DuckDuckGo
I’ve heard about DuckDuckGo a few times over the years, mostly as a name uttered in hushed whispers behind closed doors – “You don’t have to use Google. There is another way.”
Haosou, Qwant and Coc Coc – The New World of Digital Marketing?
We’re so used to the same names in the world of digital marketing, but do we need to look beyond them to stay ahead in the global online world?
Post from Gemma Birch
Majestic SEO to Build a Pure Link-Based Search Engine
Majestic 12, the UK company behind Majestic SEO, has announced its intention to expand in the search space with a new product, called Search Explorer
Post from Bas van den Beld on State of Digital
Majestic SEO to Build a Pure Link-Based Search Engine