Bots – the future of search?
Could bots be the next big thing in technology? Arianne Donoghue takes us behind the scenes at the Bing Ads Next event and tells us about how bots could change the future of search.
Post from Arianne Donoghue
Web Summit is… HUGE
Gianpaolo recently attended the Web Summit, where there were around 50,000 attendees, which is mind boggling as an event goes outside of sport. He describes what he saw and how it could benefit others, especially those starting out and potential Start Ups looking for VC funds.
Post from Gianpaolo Lorusso
SEO is like Personal Training – the Ultimate SEO Analogy?
Analogies can be useful for explaining to laypeople what SEO is and what to expect. In this post I argue that personal training makes a decent analogy.
Post from Steve Morgan
Let’s drop the agency nonsense
The digital marketing agency is a dynamic yet strange place. Find out some of the peculiarities we should put to bed at last in this post from Hannah Butcher.
Post from Hannah Butcher
Boosting your Client Relationships
Are you looking for a way to improve your client relationships? Hannah Thorpe shares her tips on building the right way for clients and agencies to work together.
Post from Hannah Thorpe
5 Reasons You Need to Consider Using Chatbots for Business
Chatbots are at the foreground within marketing and digital news. In this post Lee Wilson explores the top 5 reasons why business need to start thinking about incorporating chatbots into their 2016/17 strategy.
Post from Lee Wilson
How to get stakeholders on board with your campaign
It can be hard to convince stakeholders to do new things or operate in a different way. Get some tips on effective strategies to get buy-in from Hannah Butcher.
Post from Hannah Butcher
10 Open Data APIs Built By Brands To Use In Your Content Campaigns
Pete Campbell provides examples of how brands are building open data APIs as part of their strategy to secure natural visibility across third-party apps.
Post from Pete Campbell
7 Essential Elements to a Brand DNA Piece
Brand is hugely important for any company. A strong brand distinguishes you from your competitors, acts as a mark of consistency and quality, and ensures that everyone within your organisation understands – and lives up to – your values and expectations. However, without being properly defined, managed and communicated, a brand may not remain consistent, […]
Post from Jack Telford
Businesses Can Now Insure Against the Risk of Social Media
Wayne Denner looks how AIG is offering underwriting insurance to companies which will allow them insurance protection against the risks of social media and other online crisis. Wayne shares advice on setting up an organisational training program around online reputation.
Post from Wayne Denner
How Many Clients is Too Many? A Look at the Industry
“Can you believe it?” my friend – a fellow SEO – asked me, referring to an SEO freelancer that we’d just spoken to at an event. “He’s currently juggling 6 clients. Six! That’s way too many.” “Pfft, yeah…” I replied, through partially gritted teeth. I was juggling 8 at the time. And I’m working with […]
Post from Steve Morgan
Marketing to Marketers
Advising a client on their marketing strategy is a big step from running your own marketing. Here’s how to connect with other skeptical marketers.
Post from Hannah Thorpe
Do’s & Don’ts When Pitching Your Digital Services
Read about some do’s and don’ts when pitching your digital service from someone who has worked both agency and client side.
Post from Gordon Campbell
How to Communicate Effectively With Your Clients and Colleagues
Effective communication is key to a successful business relationship. Paul Hunter explains how you can utilise the DISC system to learn how to become an effective communicator within your team.
Post from Paul Hunter
Web Security for Digital Marketers: How to Discover Site Issues
Security is an aspect of the web that digital marketers increasingly need to take ownership of. Here Barry Adams outlines some basic web security tools and methods.
Post from Barry Adams
12 Tools And Recommendations For Digital Consultants
Another listicle post (a short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient copy to be published as an article) instead of me arguing about a topic. But if you give me a brief moment I’ll go through the tools for most things digital I work with […]
Post from Per Pettersson
Identify your Best and Worst Clients with the Assessment Chart
Whether you’re a solo freelancer or a manager of an agency, client acquisition is so important to get right. You want clients who suit you and your way of working – not just anyone/everyone. After all, we’ve all heard the advice that you can’t be all things to all people… I recently conducted an exercise […]
Post from Steve Morgan
Why Online Reputation Training is Important for Staff
Online Reputation is fast becoming the currency or revenue of many businesses. What is being said about your small business, large corporation or public sector organisation online, via social media and other review based websites has a real impact on trust, credibility and even your bottom line.
Post from Wayne Denner
Yoast joins CrowdFavorite!
This is the year that Yoast turns 5 years old. A natural time to reflect upon how the company is doing and what it should and should not be doing and what we want for the future. Today we’re proud to announce that we’ve been acquired by CrowdFavorite. Let me tell you the story of…
This post first appeared as Yoast joins CrowdFavorite! on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!
What is SEO and what it is not. A rant
It’s time for a rant in defense of SEO. Too many people talk about what SEO is, without really knowing it. It is time to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Gianluca Fiorelli shares his view.
Post from Gianluca Fiorelli