Search: Not Provided: What Remains, Keyword Data Options, the Future
In late 2011, Google announced an effort to make search behavior more secure. Logged-in users were switched to using httpS from http. This encrypted their search queries from any prying eyes, and kept from being passed on to websites the users visits after seeing search results. This led to the problem we, Marketers, SEOs, Analysts, […]
Search: Not Provided: What Remains, Keyword Data Options, the Future is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
(not provided)—Distilled’s thoughts in review
There was a lot of hubbub yesterday about a dramatic increase in (not provided) traffic showing up in Analytics data. I’d say the most eye-opening part of this is the realization that the end of this upward trend is in Continue reading »
(not provided)—Distilled's thoughts in review
There was a lot of hubbub yesterday about a dramatic increase in (not provided) traffic showing up in Analytics data.
Google Analytics Visitor Segmentation: Users, Sequences, Cohorts!
My love for segmentation knows no bounds. Weather you do online, offline, nonline analysis, or just randomly playing with data, insights arrive faster with segmentation. In fact I’ve gone so far as to say: “All data in aggregate is crap.” That’s certainly a bit melodramatic, but beyond the most bare bones “ahh, I see something […]
Google Analytics Visitor Segmentation: Users, Sequences, Cohorts! is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
The Dangers of Dark Patterns
There’s no doubt that SEO and Internet Marketing has come a long way. The past few years have been chalk-full of substantial shifts in the ways that we do business – causing quite a few growing pains. But with an Continue reading »
Multi-Channel Attribution Modeling: The Good, Bad and Ugly Models
There are few things more complicated in analytics (all analytics, big data and huge data!) than multi-channel attribution modeling. We have fought valiant battles, paid expensive consultants, purchased a crazy amount of software, and achieved an implementation high that is quickly, followed by a ” gosh darn it where is my return on investment from […]
Multi-Channel Attribution Modeling: The Good, Bad and Ugly Models is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
AdWords Time Comparison Data Rolls Out In Web UI, Includes Filter Options And Exports
When Google rolled-out “compare dates” functionality in AdWords, it was welcomed, but limited to showing changes on the graph view only. Yes, you could get comparison data out of AdWords, but it was cumbersome. Good news: Over the next few days, Google is officially rolling out an…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Two Amazing Bar Charts: % Content Consumption, % Share of Search
Would you believe me when I say that your digital analytics data, from Google Analytics or WebTrends et. al., might be hindering your ability to make some important strategic decisions? Would you believe me if I said that even leveraging cool features like custom reporting and smart advanced segments might be insufficient in some cases? […]
Two Amazing Bar Charts: % Content Consumption, % Share of Search is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Linking AdWords And Google Analytics Accounts Finally Gets Easier
Linking your AdWords and Google Analytics accounts opens up a whole new world of opportunity for campaign execution, management and analysis. Yet, the linking process has been cumbersome and not particularly intuitive. That is finally changing. In the …
Thought Google Analytics was all about SEO? Think again.
Within his recent LinkLove presentation, Will Critchlow talked about this idea of becoming a ‘full stack marketer’ and it’s an idea that resonates here at Distilled and the kind of direction we are working towards as a company. When it Continue reading »
If we only had 9 minutes to talk about Google Analytics, DistilledLive video discussion
The new Analytics module has just gone live over in DistilledU so what better way to celebrate than with a free DistilledLive video on the very same topic! This week, London consultants Dave Sottimano and Paddy Moogan [there is only one] take you through the topic Continue reading »
Google Analytics Resources for Beginners to Advanced Users
Analytics is what makes online marketing so valuable to many executives. We can track what is working on the site and how effective an online campaign is for the business bottom line. It’s like the wiring in a house, it’s Continue reading »
Excellent Analytics Tip #25: Decrapify Search, Social Compound Metrics
Everyone likes chasing big shiny objects all the time. What’s not to like. They are big. They are shiny. :) But a lot of progress in life comes from doing the everyday small things better. A small improvement, every single day, to move the ball a little more forward. A best practice I’ve developed is […]
Excellent Analytics Tip #25: Decrapify Search, Social Compound Metrics is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Excellent Analytics Tip #24: Obsess About Real Business Profitability
The art of analysis often fails to deliver ginarmous success simply because of how limited our worldview is when we go about identifying bottom-line impacting insights. Hence, this is a post on a simple concept that will drag you out of your current “what is happening on my website?” comfort zone, and out of your […]
Excellent Analytics Tip #24: Obsess About Real Business Profitability is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
The Lean Analytics Cycle: Metrics > Hypothesis > Experiment > Act
This should not be news to you. To win in business you need to follow this process: Metrics > Hypothesis > Experiment > Act. Online, offline or nonline. Yet this structure rarely exists in companies. We are far too enamored with data collection and reporting the standard metrics we love because others love them because […]
The Lean Analytics Cycle: Metrics > Hypothesis > Experiment > Act is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Tracking Mobile Visitors in Google Analytics: A Checklist Guide for Mobile Insights
It is hardly surprising that “mobile” is becoming such a hot topic among digital marketers: comScore reported that in August 2012, 13% of total internet pageviews (roughly 1 in 8!) were from mobile devices (phones and tablets combined). And these numbers Continue reading »
Excellent Analytics Tip #23: Align Hits, Sessions, Metrics, Dimensions!
Web Analytics tools have become pretty feature rich, and the future promises to bring even more goodies (Universal Analytics anyone?). But these features bring with them new problems that we hadn’t imagined before. Mostly because the limitations in the tools meant we were unable to make these mistakes. Today’s post is about a new problem […]
Excellent Analytics Tip #23: Align Hits, Sessions, Metrics, Dimensions! is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Excellent Analytics Tip #22: Calculate Return On Analytics Investment!
Analysts: Put up or shut up time! This blog is centered around creating incredible digital experiences powered by qualitative and quantitative data insights. Every post is about unleashing the power of digital analytics (the potent combination of data, systems, software and people). But we’ve never stopped to consider this question: What is the return on […]
Excellent Analytics Tip #22: Calculate Return On Analytics Investment! is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Google Analytics Tips: 10 Data Analysis Strategies That Pay Off Big!
In the coming year, based on current announcements, Google Analytics is set to go through an almost unprecedented amount of evolution. My postulation is that by this time next year the tool will be almost unrecognizable. [My favorite is Visitor Analytics, and visitor level segmentation that will be pervasive throughout the product. This is insanely […]
Google Analytics Tips: 10 Data Analysis Strategies That Pay Off Big! is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Is Your Brand Magnificent At Digital Marketing? A Diagnostic Framework.
We like to believe that all there is to digital marketing is to do some search engine optimization, send out an email blast every once in a while, get our agency to create a flash-heavy “brand experience” website, or slap together a mobile app in the corporate-approved shade of eggshell white. A small bang here, […]
Is Your Brand Magnificent At Digital Marketing? A Diagnostic Framework. is a post from: Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik