Apple Maps Adds COVID-19 Testing Locations

Just stumbled on to this new feature in Apple Maps for healthcare providers to add COVID-19 testing locations: Businesses can submit locations by putting the info in Apple’s COVID-19-Locations-1.0 and emailing the sheet to This FAQ info is available here because the Apple team didn’t bother marking their version up with FAQPage schema :): […]

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Apple Maps May Not Be As Far Behind Google Maps As You Think…

Apple Maps SucksJustin O’Beirne has published another amazingly detailed analysis of Apple Maps and how it has developed compared to Google Maps. While I shall yield to Justin’s mastery of all things geospatial, I feel like he kind of punted on his analysis of Apple Maps’ business listings data. O’Beirne observes that Apple Maps has few business […]

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Should Anyone Even Care If Google Now Powers SIRI Results?

Outdoorsy ChristiansNow that Apple has switched from Bing to Google for SIRI’s web search results, I have been trying to wrap my head around the implications for our clients. In keeping with Apple’s secretive ways, it’s not exactly clear there are any. Here’s a voice query result for “outdoor seat cushions”:   The results are typically […]

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SEO and Voice Search Goes Together Like Sardines and Peanut Butter

Voice search is all the rage. To hear it from a marketing or search technologist, the voice search revolution is on us. Lowering barriers to access and radically changing the way we interact with devices. There is only one problem, take it away Dr. Malcolm I hate to break it to everyone, but voice search […]

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Moving Your Business Location For Dummies

Is It Safe Marathon Man DentistAt this late date, if you are not taking care of your local listings on the Web when you move your business, congratulate yourself for being royally out of touch with how business works in 2017. Last week I headed over to my dentist, Home Page DDS, for a cleaning and on the way recalled […]

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Apple Maps Now Publishing Listings Taken Directly From Businesses

Blink Network Apple Maps Profile PageIt’s Apple Maps news week here at LSG. Apple now appears to be publishing multi-location business listings taken directly from the businesses. Case in point, several electronic vehicle charging station chains have popped up on Apple Maps with a “provided by” notice on their profiles. As you can see from the screenshots in this post, […]

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Apple Maps Adds 4 New Business Listings Partners

Location3 Media LogoApple Maps has updated its Attributions page again with four new business listings partners, 3 US-based location data management/marketing companies and a Swiss Yellow Pages company: Location3 MomentFeed SIM Partners Swisscom Directories Previously Location3 and SIM Partners were accidentally “announced” as partners almost two years ago. At that point we had heard that these partners […]

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