Twitter and Politics – An Overview

On Friday 22nd May the European and Local Elections were held in the UK, with some surprising, and some less surprising results. Not all politicians seem not to have grasped the potential reach of social media, nor the impact it can have. Let’s Look at Twitter… In late 2013 Twitter was claiming around 15 million […]

Post from Laura Phillips on State of Digital
Twitter and Politics – An Overview

Friday Commentary: Why a Fear of Failure Might be Holding Back Your Marketing Success

The problem with modern day marketing is that, under increasing pressure to get results, we’re often too scared to fail in order to achieve success. But being scared in a digital era is not the best approach. Taking away that fear of failure, you open up much greater potential rewards. Kevin Gibbons explains in this weeks Friday Commentary how a CMO should look at these things and act.

Post from Kevin Gibbons on State of Digital
Friday Commentary: Why a Fear of Failure Might be Holding Back Your Marketing Success

Friday Commentary: Data Insights Or Cornflakes – What do you Base your Decisions on?

An insight is actually a source of information and is not data points. It is obtained by the analysis of data that directly impacts the business. Analysts thrive on data; executives need insights. Understanding the importance of an insight is critical to actually listen to it. The more cornflakes (data points) that get spread around, […]

Post from Sara Clifton on State of Digital
Friday Commentary: Data Insights Or Cornflakes – What do you Base your Decisions on?