#adtechANZ: How Digital is Transforming one of Australia’s Largest Retailers
Annabel Hodges covers a session focusing on a revolutionised customer-centric digital strategy, a joint venture between Stockland and its creative agency.
Post from Annabel Hodges on State of Digital
#adtechANZ: How Digital is Transforming one of Australia’s Largest Retailers
Google Glass, iBeacons and smart watches – media hype or game changers? #AdtechANZ
Managing Direcor of b2 Cloud kicked off Day 2 of Ad:Tech Sydney, talking about the technology of the future including platforms such as Google Glass, iBeacons & Smart Watches.
Post from Jo Turnbull on State of Digital
Google Glass, iBeacons and smart watches – media hype or game changers? #AdtechANZ
#adtechANZ Keynote Day 2: Australia Digital Future in Focus 2014
Annabel Hodges covers Day 2’s keynote, with Gian Fulgoni from comScore discussing the future of digital advertising from targeting to measurement.
Post from Annabel Hodges on State of Digital
#adtechANZ Keynote Day 2: Australia Digital Future in Focus 2014
The Australia Post Video Stamp – Creating a High-tech Extension to an Age-old Service #AdTechANZ
Australia Post launched the Video Stamp before Christmas during their busiest time. Find out how they managed to successfully bring this new product to market in Australia and worldwide.
Post from Jo Turnbull on State of Digital
The Australia Post Video Stamp – Creating a High-tech Extension to an Age-old Service #AdTechANZ
#adtechANZ: Emotional Intelligence: Balancing Data and Creativity
Next up here at #adtechANZ is Ben Cooper, Group Innovation Director at M&C Saatchi. Ben believes we’re at an intersection right now where BIG DATA has been a buzzword for a couple of years. Everything is moving towards this quantified self, where we are almost predicting the future. However Ben has found that the times […]
Post from Annabel Hodges on State of Digital
#adtechANZ: Emotional Intelligence: Balancing Data and Creativity
ad:tech Sydney: Keynote – What’s the Big IDEO? #AdtechANZ
Jo Turnbull covers the keynote from ad:tech Sydney and discovers why creative thinking is so important in the success of business.
Post from Jo Turnbull on State of Digital
ad:tech Sydney: Keynote – What’s the Big IDEO? #AdtechANZ