Google Ads Has New Smart Bidding Features
Google Ads announced several new smart bidding features the other day. These include top signals in the bid strategy report, seasonality adjustments at the manager account level, Maximize conversion value bidding with recommendations, and new Target Im…
Google App Ads Adds Deep Linking Features, Analytics & Tools
Google announced a bunch of Google Ads updates to app based advertising, where you want to push people to your apps. The goal with these updates is to drive people back into your mobile app and increase engagement in your app.
Vertical Google Shopping Ads On Mobile
Normally the Google Shopping Ads on mobile search are in a carousel where you scroll horizontally through the results. Dan Perach shared a screenshot with me on LinkedIn of this being tested in a vertical format as well.
Google Partners Resources Hub Aim To Confuse?
Greg Finn went on a great Twitter rant about how confusing parts of the Google Partners Resources Hub is even for the most savvy paid search specialists. Greg said “not going to lie, the new Google Partners Resources specifically the “about optimizati…
Google Releases Video On Google Ads After Complaints From Rachel Maddow
If you missed it, last week, Rachel Maddow from MSNBC complained on Twitter that the Google Ads were not labeled and jumping in and out. Danny Sullivan from Google responded that Google always labels its ads and it doesn’t sound like those ads are fro…
Google Ads: Cell Therapies and Gene Therapies Are Not Allowed
Google Ads clarified in its speculative and experimental medical treatment policy that cell therapies and gene therapies are therapies not allowed on the Google Ad network. This includes prohibiting stem cell therapy, cellular (non-stem) therapy, gene …
Google Local Services Ads Bug May Have Changed Your Bid Mode
Google has a bug with its Local Service Ads program where it may change your bid mode from “Maximize Leads” to “Max Per Lead.” Ginny Marvin from Google confirmed the issue yesterday afternoon and said “this is a bug that we are working on fixing.”
Google Shopping Ads Bans Digital Books
Google has disallowed the sale and advertising of digital books on Google Shopping Ads. Google said “beginning May 18, 2021, Google will no longer support the advertising of digital books globally on Shopping ads.”
Rachel Maddow Of MSNBC Calls Out Google For Hiding Search Ads But She Likely Has Malware
Rachel Maddow Of MSNBC posted on Twitter that she is switching from Google Search because Google is hiding its search ads, jumping the page all around and when you click on something, it triggers an unwanted ad that opens in a new window. This, to me,…
Google Ads Customer Match Now Has Real-Time Match Rates
Google announced that is is now making the Customer Match feature in Google Ads. Now the Customer Match lists can show you in real time the percentage of your customer list that is usable with Customer Match.
The Google AdWords API Shutting Down In 362 Days
Google is giving us about a year to switch over from the old Google AdWords API to the newer Google Ads API. The Google Ads API replaced the AdWords API when Google released it as a beta I believe in 2019.
Google Ads API Version 7.0 Now Available
Google has released version 7.0 of the Google Ads API. This is a jump from version 6.1.0 which was released on April 10, 2021. To use the v7 features, you will need to upgrade your client libraries and client code, Google said.
Google Ads To Require US Health Insurance Advertisers To Show Certification
Google announced that starting on June 2, 2021, those wanting to advertiser health insurance related products in the US will require to show certification. Ginny Marvin of Google said on Twitter this is to “help ensure a safe user experience” with the …
Google Ads Target CPA and Target ROAS Bundled With Maximize Conversions and Maximize Conversion Value
Google Ads announced Target CPA and Target ROAS will be bundled with the Maximize conversions and Maximize conversion value bid strategies. So Maximize conversions will have an optional target CPA and Maximize conversion value will have an optional tar…
Google Ads Exact Match Loosened Up A Bit
Last week, PPCGreg posted on Twitter that Google Ads is “taking more liberties in the queries they’re allowing for Exact Match to show for. He said it “seems like they loosened things up a good bit.”
WordPress Wants To Block Google’s FLoC By Default
Here is an interesting twist, some at WordPress said it wants to by default and automatically block Google’s FLoC on its websites. WordPress wants to treat FLoC as a security concern and said “FLoC places people in groups based on their browsing habit…
Google Ads Dynamic Exclusion Lists Coming Soon
Google announced it will be rolling out in the coming weeks dynamic exclusion lists within Google Ads. Dynamic exclusion lists let you potentially automate the process of blocking your ads from showing on web pages or websites.
Google Ads Insights Page Available To All
After several months of teasing and testing and rolling out betas, the new Insights page is now available to all Google Ads advertisers no matter where on the planet they live. Google said that starting on April 14th, yesterday, “the Insights page is…
Google Ads Will Apply Recommendations Automatically If Opted In
Google announced that it is rolling out the option to apply recommendations automatically, that is, if you opt in to this feature. Google said “many of you that reviewing and implementing recommendations can be time consuming,” so Google is going to g…
Google Ads Sitelinks Tests List Vertical Interface
Google has been changing and testing the interface for its sitelinks for as long as I can remember. Well, here is another test, for the Google Ads version of the sitelinks, where Google is displaying them as a vertical list view.