Five Analogies to Help Explain SEO to Your Clients
Do your clients understand when you talk about links, redirects and 404s? If not, here’s a list of analogies to help them comprehend SEO a little better.
Post from Gustavo Pelogia
How to properly delete a page from your site
When you delete a page (or post) from your site, you delete one or more URLs too. That old URL, when visited, will usually return a 404 not found error. But is that what you wanted? Maybe that page should be redirected somewhere. If not, and you deliberately deleted that content, serving a 410 header would actually be […]
The post How to properly delete a page from your site appeared first on Yoast.
Which redirect should I use?
As an SEO or site owner, you are bound to run into redirects. Whenever you delete a page, change your URL structure or switch to a new domain, you are going to have to redirect your URLs. You have to tell search engine robots that there has been a change in your URLs and that […]
Ask Yoast: 301 or 302 redirect?
You’ve deleted a post or page. Of course you know that you’re not done yet though! You’ll have to create a redirect, to avoid that visitors will land on your 404 page. Perhaps your site has a page that shows the information that you’ve just deleted, or something similar. So you want to create a redirect. But […]
Thoughts on 404 Not Found error pages
Have you ever wondered why you should have that 404 Not Found page? What’s the use? The page is gone or broken and you don’t want people to end up there, so why not just redirect that page to the homepage of your website? They even made WordPress plugins that will help you do this,…
This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!