Local Businesses Need To Expand & Refine Advertising Approach

With consumers leveraging a broader array of online and offline media when searching for local business information — and increasingly relying on smartphones and tablets to conduct searches — local businesses need to expand and refine their advertising approach in order to remain…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Relax, The Search Industry Is Doing Just Fine

For enterprise SEM practitioners looking to set budgets or otherwise anticipate their needs in the space for the months and years ahead, it’s been a particularly difficult time to get a read on how the industry is really trending. Conflicting data and opinions abound; new threats to the…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

One Out Of Five “Second Screeners” Look Up Advertised Product Info While Watching TV

  To give further credence to consumers’ love of “second-screening” and why marketer’s should be salivating at the opportunities these new habits behold, Nielsen released stats on just what consumers are doing on their tablets while watching TV. Social networking sites…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.