Amazon Advertising tips from Bai and LEGO
7 expert strategies on Amazon Advertising, and how to use AMS and organic impressions to get your brand seen. Tips presented by John Denny of Cavu Venture Partners (formerly Bai) and Luis Navarrete Gomez of LEGO at the Transformation of Search Summit.
18 best branded Instagram videos of 2016 (so far)
Instagram’s the best. Where else can you find out the best place to get a hipster kebab AND take a terrifying white-water raft ride AND be subjected to endless Kardashian selfies all in a single scroll.
How LEGO’s #Kronkiwongi campaign drove customer engagement
Here we’ll be taking a brief look at an excellent presentation from The LEGO Group’s Head of Global Search Marketing Luis Navarrete, covering how LEGO used the power of social, search and old-school PR to make a success of its Kronkiwongi campaign.