Google Lens improvements ready visual search and AR for mainstream adoption

Better text recognition, lookalike search and real-time functionality are upgrades.

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Google Lens comes to Android devices through the side door — Google Photos

This indirect rollout of visual search is intriguing but awkward.

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Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

What the development of visual search will mean for SEO

Columnist Kristopher Jones talks visual search — its current state, its implications for the future and strategies for SEOs looking to capitalize on this evolving technology.

The post What the development of visual search will mean for SEO appeared f…

[Podcast] The Google I/O 2017 recap: Lens, Assistant & more

In our latest podcast, we recap some of the bigger news and announcements from Google I/O 2017, with audio from the company’s main keynote on Wednesday.

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Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.