What five news-SEO experts make of Google’s new, “Full Coverage” feature in mobile search results

SEO experts from The LA Times, New York Times, Conde Nast, Wall Street Journal, and prominent agency-side SEOs gauge what Google’s latest “Full Coverage” feature means for mobile SERPs

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Before You Kill That Mobile Subdomain…

Funny Kill It With Fire GIF from Funny GIFs Most SEOs I know hate sites with separate mobile URLs. They served their purpose back in the early days of mobile browsers, but over time the maintenance overhead combined with the SEO uncertainty brought on by having two different sets of near duplicate URLs has caused […]

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Over half of searches on Google yield zero clicks

Zero-click searches on Google result in users remaining on Google.com, Google Images, Google Maps, and YouTube. Data observations from Jumpshot explained.

The post Over half of searches on Google yield zero clicks appeared first on Search Engine Watch.

Mobile-first indexing in 2018: 3 things SEO professionals should do right now

With 2018 now upon us, there is a need to prepare for the upcoming update to Google’s search index to prioritize mobile websites, if you haven’t already done so. Here are three things SEO professionals need to do immediately to prepare for a mobile-first index and help their, or their clients’, sites weather the storm.

Want to Know About The Definitive Local SEO Ranking Factors?

Then come check out my session at SMX East 😉 On Tuesday, I’m going to go over what the data truly says about ranking in local pack results. Do you need to focus on link building?  Is there even such a thing as a “#1” ranking factor? What value do traditional local signals, like citations, […]

The post Want to Know About The Definitive Local SEO Ranking Factors? appeared first on Local SEO Guide.