Bing’s “Search Wave” Showcases Search Volume For 2016 Presidential Candidates

In preparation for tomorrow’s Super Tuesday primaries, Bing rolled out a new tool that determines the top-searched candidates.

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Bing: Content Quality Is A Primary Ranking Factor Made Up Of Authority, Utility & Presentation

Michael Basilyan, Senior Program Manager from the Bing Content Quality Team, shared a nice set of details on the Bing blog about how Bing’s algorithms determine what makes for content quality. Michael Basilyan explained that content quality is a primary factor in their ranking algorithm,…

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Bing Has Seen Tiny Number Of “Right to Be Forgotten” Requests So Far

Reputation VIP, which operates the website in Europe, has said that Microsoft/Bing is starting to implement “Right to Be Forgotten” (RTBF) requests. The company released a study of RTBF requests and Google in October, which was generally consistent with Google’s own subsequently…

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Bing Mobile Ranking Techniques & Relevancy Factors

Mir Rosenberg from the Bing Mobile Relevancy team posted some of the “factors at play” when it comes to how determines mobile relevance and ranking in the mobile results. As you know, a couple weeks ago, Bing announced new mobile crawlers to help them discover and understand different…

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