We Need To Talk About…. Demand Side Platforms
In its former life, our illustrious blog always predominately focused on the specifics and search marketing. Since broadening our focus to the world of digital marketing, contributors and editors have been paving the way for greater insight across the spectrum of channels. A big area as yet relatively undiscussed is that of display advertising. This […]
Post from Annabel Hodges on State of Digital
We Need To Talk About…. Demand Side Platforms
Google AdWords Debuts Ready Image Ads: Enter A URL, Get IAB-Sized HTML5-Ready Display Ads
The latest roll-out from Google AdWords could dramatically change the number of advertisers running display campaigns — and whether anyone gets paid to make display ads anymore. While that might sound far fetched, the launch of Ready Image Ads introduces a slick new option for advertisers who…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Fresh Out Of The Oven: Contextual Tastes Way Better Than Cookies
In recent years, using cookie data in behavioral targeting strategies has been heralded as a game-changer by online marketers. A large part of this attention is focused on data management platforms (DMPs) that enable behavioral targeting through the use of cookie data to categorize a user’s…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Targeting: AdWords Vs. Google Display Network Vs. Programmatic Display
Search engine marketing’s meteoric rise over the last decade is due, in large part, to the superiority of query-level targeting as compared to other online advertising channels. The targeting edge that SEM once held, however, may be slipping. Indeed, for many advertisers and many verticals, SEM may…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Data: The Digital Common Denominator
In April 2013, the IAB released a report that revealed double-digit growth for both search and display. Additionally, within digital, video was named the fastest-growing sector, reaching $2.3 billion. I spoke with three industry experts in display, sea…