From FLoC to Topics: Google Pivots Approach to Interest-Based Advertising

Ever since Google announced in 2021 its eventual deprecation of the use of third-party cookies within Chrome, Seer has been diligently following the progress.

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💡 Google recently announced a pivot away from FLoC (their original solution to interest-based advertising in Chrome) — introducing “Topics” instead.

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What are Cookie Consent Platforms & Which is Right For You?

What are Cookie Consent Platforms?

In an age of ever-changing regulations, having a strong grasp on your site or businesses Cookie Consent Platform is more important than ever.

As the future of Third-Party cookies is still unclear, it is integral that businesses create strategies now to prevent data loss; and utilizing a Cookie Consent Platform is a great first step in the process. 

The post What are Cookie Consent Platforms & Which is Right For You? appeared first on Seer Interactive.

Introduction to Consent Mode in Google Tag Manager

The world was rushed into a society-level digital transformation in 2020, with more people purchasing goods and services online than ever before. This has given businesses tremendous opportunities to connect to a growing online customer base. But at the very same time, we have seen sweeping restrictions around cookies and user identifiers, vital tools for today’s advertiser.

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The rise of privacy-first search engines: a marketer’s guide to Neeva, Brave, and DuckDuckGo

Consumer privacy is a major concern across every component of today’s marketing ecosystem.  Brands, data providers, and advertising platforms are each attempting to deliver powerful, personalized experiences while navigating rapidly evolving data legislation. Apple drastically reduced mobile targeting and measurement opportunities with the release of iOS 14.5 only a few weeks ago. While third-party cookies […]

The post The rise of privacy-first search engines: a marketer’s guide to Neeva, Brave, and DuckDuckGo appeared first on Brainlabs.

The Way Minors Experience The Internet Has Changed

This post was written by: Sam Merikallio and Kara Mehnert.

With this week’s news of significant changes to both Facebook and Google’s Ad Policies with minors, the digital landscape with how brands engage and promote to their youngest clientele has been drastically altered.

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Conversion Tracking in a World Without Cookies

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This post was written by: Sara Vicioso and Emma Welcher.

Balancing Measurement Needs While Respecting User Privacy

Measurement is a fundamental component of digital marketing used to determine ROI across media channels, gain insights on creative messaging and testing, understand which targeting is driving results, inform optimizations, and more.

The post Conversion Tracking in a World Without Cookies appeared first on Seer Interactive.

Pattern of Privacy: Who Needs to Prepare for a Cookie-Less Future?

What’s Happening in the World of Cookies & Data Privacy? 

Like winter, the removal of (third-party) cookies is coming. While we know this affects digital marketing across the board, which marketers need to worry most? 

Well… everyone! 

In this post, we’ll walk you through:

The post Pattern of Privacy: Who Needs to Prepare for a Cookie-Less Future? appeared first on Seer Interactive.

Google: The European Court Is Really Telling You To Be More “Relevant”

So, it finally happened. After years of people telling me that “Europe” will do nothing about Google and me saying that one day “Europe” will probably bite back, it did. “Europe” bit off a whole chewy chunk of Google and all other search engines in just one…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.