Google RankBrain: Clearing up the myths and misconceptions

It’s been nearly 3½ years since Google announced RankBrain, but we have little detail about how it works. Here’s what we actually know–and what is myth.

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Part 2 of 2: How Google learns to guide purchasing decisions

In a follow-up to his last article, columnist Dave Davies explores a Google patent on guided purchasing, which describes how smartphone behaviors and user data could be used to predict and direct purchase behavior.

The post Part 2 of 2: How Google lea…

Patent 1 of 2: How Google learns to influence and control users

Columnist Dave Davies does a deep dive into a recently granted Google patent that describes how your data and context could be used to influence your future actions.

The post Patent 1 of 2: How Google learns to influence and control users appeared fir…

Exploring a newly-granted Google patent around social signals

Columnist Dave Davies takes a deep dive into a recently published Google patent for clues on how the search giant is thinking about social signals and search results.

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TV Rank: Google Gets Patent On Using TV Viewing Habits To Influence Search Results

Google uses a variety of signals to determine how to rank search results, such as how people link to content on the web, geographic location, search history and more. Now, perhaps what you’re watching on TV might become a new factor. Bill Slawski, an SEO patent guru, posted on his blog that…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google Granted Patent For Panda Algorithm

Google’s Panda update has been one of the most talked about algorithmic updates by SEOs and webmasters since it launched in February 2011. Today is the day the patent document describing Panda was granted. It was written by Navneet Panda, which is why it was named Panda, and Vladimir…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google May Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion To Patent Troll

A New York-based “patent troll” called Vringo, through its subsidiary I/P engine, successfully sued Google, Microsoft, AOL and others using two patents related to search advertising. The plaintiff won approximately $30 million at trial in 2012. Google was asked to pay $15.8 million of…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google Loses Again In AdWords Patent Infringement Case

A judge has determined patent-holding company Vringo is entitled to additional royalties from Google in a patent infringement case involving Google AdWords. The order stems from a case brought by Vringo subsidiary I/P Engine in 2011 that claimed filter…

Taiwanese Research Firm Claims Patent Law Suit Against Google Search Products

Institute for Information, located in Taipei, Taiwan, has brought a patent lawsuit against Google in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. According to the case, the research institution claims Google Search, Google+ Local and Google…