Google’s Knowledge Graph Ready For Halloween With Fun Easter Eggs

Mashable spotted some clever easter eggs from Google for the upcoming Halloween holiday. Google is utilizing the knowledge graph to provide fun answers to searches for [Ghost], [Witch], [Skeleton], [Grim Reaper]. For example, if you look at the knowled…

Top 10 Search Modifiers: Why They Matter, What They Are & How To Use Them

Google is working hard to improve search, and it’s doing such a great job that the general public doesn’t seem to be noticing. With the inclusion of personalization, localization, customization, and with the depth of data Google knows and understands about the average user, it’s easy to…

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Edith Head Gets Her Own Google Logo Celebrating Her Career As One Of Hollywood’s Most Famous Designers

Today’s Google logo celebrates the triumphant career of Hollywood costume designer Edith Head on the occasion of her 116th birthday. Born Edith Posener in San Bernadino, California, Head would catch her first big break as a Paramount Pictures costume sketch artist in 1924 after working as an…

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Google’s Music Knowledge Graph With YouTube, Google Now, New Carousel & More

Part of Google’s big birthday event & Hummingbird announcement, Google has made some serious strides to the knowledge graph. One such example was visible a week or so after the announcement, which was a major improvement and user interface change for musician related search terms. For…

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Are Google Searches The Best Way To Highlight Discrimination Against Women?

The United Nations is continuing its admirable and proper work of highlighting discrimination against women around the world, but is using Google’s autocomplete feature the best way to do it? UN Women, a UN entity formed in July 2010 that focuses on gender equality and women’s rights,…

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The Curious Case Of Bing Search Results In Google Search Results

Over the weekend, Bill Hartzer noticed that some Google searches returned Bing search results. As of last night, Google search results are once again Bing-free. What happened? Taking a closer look, the Bing search results weren’t URLs, which are correctly blocked by…

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Google Logo Doubles As Parachute Game Before Answering The Question: When Was The First Parachute Jump?

The Google logo team has been busier than usual this week. After celebrating salsa singer Celia Cruz yesterday, today’s Google logo includes an interactive image to mark the first parachute jump. Performed by Andre-Jacque Garnerin on October 22, 1797, the jump occurred 216 years ago at Parc…

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Google Logo Celebrates Salsa Singer Celia Cruz

Today’s Google logo remembers salsa singer Celia Cruz on what would have been the artist’s 88th birthday. Cruz began her career singing lead vocals for the famous Cuban orchestra Sonora Matancera in 1950. Born in Havanna, Cuba, Cruz and her husband Pedro Knight became a citizen of the…

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Microsoft Touts Bing Smart Search In New TV Ad For Windows 8.1 Release Tomorrow

Microsoft is pushing its new Bing Smart Search feature, which will hit the streets tomorrow when the company releases Windows 8.1. Bing Smart Search is a feature in the new OS that simultaneously searches the web, the cloud (Microsoft SkyDrive), your PC and — if you’re using a mobile…

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Bing Gives IE11 Users A Quick Look At The Top Search Result With New “Pre-Rendering” Feature

Bing released a new search feature today that “almost instantly” renders the associated page of the top search result when clicked. With the goal of providing a “faster end-to-end search experience,” the new “pre-rendering” feature is currently available only to…

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Google Images: Search By Image Not Working For Many

Google’s Search By Image feature is currently not functioning for many searchers. The search by image feature allows a searcher to take an image from their computer or plug in an image source URL into Google Images and Google will return related images, with web pages that may have more…

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Niagra Falls Photo Wins Bing Hometown Homepage Photo Contest

After asking users to submit photos of their hometown back in August, Bing announced today Prasad Karkera’s photo of the Niagra Falls has won its Hometown Homepage Photo Contest. Karkera’s photo was one of ten selected by Bing and then voted on via a public vote by Bing users. Taken…

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The Top 7 Milestones Of Google Search

I think that I can confidently say that anyone reading this post has an intimate relationship with Google. After all, it’s one of the most important companies in the world and has helped to spearhead the Internet revolution — which is up there with invention of the wheel, the discovery…

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Google Adds TV Listings, But The Results Aren’t Ready For Prime Time

Hurray. Google Search has gained TV listings, the company announced today. What’s not to like? Perhaps that they don’t work as well as they could and are disappointing compared to what Google’s TV listings are like within Google TV. You remember Google TV, right? Google shared the…

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New Disconnect Tool Enables Private Searches Without Logging Out Of Online Accounts

Online security software provider Disconnect launched their latest search tool, Disconnect Search this week. According to the announcement, Disconnect Search allows users to perform private searches on sites like Google, Yahoo and Bing via their address bar or omnibox, “Without having to…

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Bing Adds Pinterest Boards To Image Search

If image search is important to your business, this might be another reason to be active on Pinterest: Bing has just added Pinterest boards to its image search results. The boards show up on the far right of Bing’s image search results page. The board name and image count are displayed, along…

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Yosemite National Park Gets A Google Logo To Mark Its 123rd Birthday

Today’s Google logo celebrates the Yosemite National Park, which congress established as a national park on this date in 1890. The logo includes a collection of badges with “Google” front and center on a yellow badge featuring the park’s famous Half Dome Mountain. A John…

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Bing(ing) It On At A Seattle Seahawks Football Game [Photos]

I’m not sure why I was surprised to see a small army of uniformed Bing reps standing around a big booth before the Seattle Seahawks game this past Sunday at CenturyLink Field in Seattle. After all, Bing has been sponsoring the Seahawks for a few years now. The players wear Bing logos on their…

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