George Bush “Miserable Failure” Google Bomb Back, This Time In Knowledge Graph
The Google Bomb is back! Searching for [miserable failure] in Google now returns George W. Bush’s knowledge graph in the search results. The Google Bomb first became popular back in 2004 when Google and some other search engines ranked George W. Bush as the nymber one result for a search on…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Google Search Rolling Out Nutrition Information On More Than 1,000 Foods
Building on their Knowledge Graph technology, Google search is rolling out nutrition information on more than 1,000 fruits, vegetables, meats and meals. Users will be able to search on everything from simple one-word terms like apple or carrot to more …
Google Knowledge Graph Gets More Stats and 4 New Languages
At Google I/O today, Amit Singhal, Google VP of Search, announced that statistics and four new languages are being added to the Google Knowledge Graph. Knowledge Graph is already supported English and eight other languages — French, Italian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and…
Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.