Four marketing strategies to increase app store downloads and engagement

Making your app stand out is daunting but not impossible. Crack app store algorithms, stand out, and boost downloads with these marketing strategies.

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Four expert digital marketing strategies to convert bottom-funnel prospects

The bottom of the funnel is all about the nudge, where creativity matters more than the intensity. CEO of Over The Top SEO helps you convert bottom-funnel prospects with these top strategies.

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Facebook campaign budget optimization: How marketers must prepare for September 1, 2019

If you pay someone to adjust bids every week, much of that bid optimization work will be over. Details on Facebook’s campaign budget optimization update.

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Facebook campaign budget optimization: How marketers must prepare for September 1, 2019

If you pay someone to adjust bids every week, much of that bid optimization work will be over. Details on Facebook’s campaign budget optimization update.

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How to find a PPC management solution for your business

Notes from personal research looking into PPC management solutions, both agencies and softwares, for our company. From demos, audits, and consultations.

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How to optimize your ad campaigns for consumer behavior on Facebook and Google

Facebook and Google are now the go-to channels for marketers wishing to attract users and user attention, with businesses putting aside huge budgets to reach audiences on these platforms. Both have influenced how users search for information online and respond to advertising, in ways that marketers need to be aware of and adapt to in order for their advertising campaigns to be a success.

Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Canvas Ads

Back in October 2015, Facebook announced it was testing a shiny new ad unit called Canvas ads. Those tests must have gone well, because Facebook Canvas ads are now being rolled out to the ad accounts of all of us mere mortals! In this post, I’ll share my tips for getting the best out of […]

Post from Tara West

14 Ways Facebook Homes In On Local Search

With the announcement of Facebook Home, Facebook has pushed the accelerator on its local mobile strategy, which was already in high gear, thanks to Facebook Local Search and its big brother, Facebook Graph Search. By the end of 2013, I expect the socia…