Pitch Perfect: The 9 Questions Every Successful Pitch Answers
Many curious co-workers and friends have asked me, “How did you manage to convince your company to let you work part-time, anywhere in the world, in a role you built for yourself?” I typically answer it was a combination of hard work and luck—being in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.…
The post Pitch Perfect: The 9 Questions Every Successful Pitch Answers appeared first on Seer Interactive.
Where to Add Campaign Tags: A Comprehensive Checklist
Campaign Tagging in Google Analytics
Hopefully by now, if you work in marketing, you know that you need to be using campaign tags on all your marketing urls. They help us reduce dark traffic and provide insight into the value of all those wonderful mar…
SEO Website Redesign Checklist: Don’t Mess Up Your Site Traffic
Whether you’re changing your backend CMS or just giving the site a new look and feel, planning a website redesign can be a challenging & daunting process.
I have a website redesign checklist to make it way easier.
This website redesign checklist will not only make the process easier for you, it will ensure that don’t lose your existing rankings, traffic, and loyal customers in the process.…
The post SEO Website Redesign Checklist: Don’t Mess Up Your Site Traffic appeared first on Seer Interactive.
Think Twice Before Using Top of Page Bidding in AdWords
What we did While bidding to the top of the page isn’t always the best strategy for paid search, it can be a good strategy depending on your goals, i.e. focusing on clicks or awareness, being the most competitive for certain terms, etc. We recently had a client who was hitting the end of their […]
5 Blogging Tips that will make your Blogging Life easier
Make your blogging life a lot easier by following these five tips. Structuring, Title Testing, MindMap, Evernote and Twitter are very useful, find out why here.
Post from Bas van den Beld on State of Digital
5 Blogging Tips that will make your Blogging Life easier
Top PPC Tips from PPC Masters
Thomas Hertkorn covered the first PPC event which took place in Hamburg, Germany. Read his key tips and takeaways from one of the largest PPC dedicated conferences.
Post from State of Digital on State of Digital
Top PPC Tips from PPC Masters
16 Tips for Successful International Business Travel
Do you travel for business? Take a look at these 16 tips for a successful business travel Aleyda has compiled after going to 9 countries in the last year!
Post from Aleyda Solis on State of Digital
16 Tips for Successful International Business Travel
A Study In Quantity: Sometimes Less Is More
There are generally two schools of thought when it comes to quantity. As a certain group of hilarious phone-peddling kids would tell you, more is better. Image Source This makes sense. More of something (well, something good anyway) is better than less of that thing. However, as a certain insurance-mongering lizard tells me on my […]
How to remove a Website from Google Analytics
Too many old websites in your Google Analytics? Want to clean up and remove the websites you don’t need from Google Analytics? Here’s how.
Post from Bas van den Beld on State of Digital
How to remove a Website from Google Analytics
Mastering PPC: When To Break Ad Copy Best Practices
Much like the pirate code, the best practices we have for writing ad copy are more like “guidelines” than actual rules. Image Source The best practice for ad copy writing tells us that we should be sure to include ad group keywords in our ad copy. The benefits of doing so include: bolding the keywords […]
Not Provided Keywords – SEO Reporting Without Keyword Data
We’re nearly 2 years into (not provided). It was October 18, 2011, when organic keyword data started dropping out of our reports. It’s been slowly rising as documented on (Not Provided) Count but in the last few weeks leaped from below 50% in August and is over 75% today. As Google starts serving secure search […]
Mastering PPC: YouTube Advertising
Youtube advertising, as with all things Google, has plenty of options for you to pick from: Ads on Videos, Ads as Ads, Videos as Ads and Ads for Videos… Confused? Good. We will break it down for you below. But first – a few things to know: YouTube, owned by Google, is a Google Search […]
Mastering PPC: Getting Started with LinkedIn Ads
In Beauty and the Beast, Belle was just a girl living in a little village in France. The opening number featured her singing about how there must be more out in the world than just what she’s experienced in her small, provincial town. She wasn’t satisfied with that typical little village and dreamed about how […]
Mastering PPC: Landing Conversions with Landing Pages
As summer comes to an end my thoughts wander to autumn which then ultimately wanders to the Philadelphia Arctic Tundra that is winter. I’m a planner so I start shopping for my winter jacket in August so I can walk with comfort from my car to the office while my other unprepared co-workers talk about […]
Mastering PPC: Ad Tips & Tricks Pt. 2 – Image Ads
Text ads may be the bread and butter of the paid search industry (and Jackie did a great job the other week breaking down the ins and outs of putting together great text ads), but there is another ad type that also pulls its weight around the paid search house, and can be used in […]
How to Prepare for Speaking at a Major Search Conference
Find out how you can prepare for one of the major search conferences in the world without speaking at the smaller conferences.
Post from Jo Turnbull on State of Search
How to Prepare for Speaking at a Major Search Conference
Mastering PPC: Red Alert! Search Engine Alerts & Notifications
Publishing this blog post the day before the release of the new Star Trek Into Darkness movie is pure coincidence totally planned from the start. In the Star Trek universe, if a crewman isn’t standing on the bridge, face to face with an enemy torpedo barrage, a red or yellow alert message coming over the comm […]