Pitch Perfect: The 9 Questions Every Successful Pitch Answers

Many curious co-workers and friends have asked me, “How did you manage to convince your company to let you work part-time, anywhere in the world, in a role you built for yourself?” I typically answer it was a combination of hard work and luckbeing in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.

The post Pitch Perfect: The 9 Questions Every Successful Pitch Answers appeared first on Seer Interactive.

SEO Website Redesign Checklist: Don’t Mess Up Your Site Traffic

Whether you’re changing your backend CMS or just giving the site a new look and feel, planning a website redesign can be a challenging & daunting process.

I have a website redesign checklist to make it way easier.

This website redesign checklist will not only make the process easier for you, it will ensure that don’t lose your existing rankings, traffic, and loyal customers in the process.…

The post SEO Website Redesign Checklist: Don’t Mess Up Your Site Traffic appeared first on Seer Interactive.

A Study In Quantity: Sometimes Less Is More

There are generally two schools of thought when it comes to quantity. As a certain group of hilarious phone-peddling kids would tell you, more is better. Image Source This makes sense. More of something (well, something good anyway) is better than less of that thing. However, as a certain insurance-mongering lizard tells me on my […]

How to Prepare for Speaking at a Major Search Conference

US flagFind out how you can prepare for one of the major search conferences in the world without speaking at the smaller conferences.

Post from on State of Search
How to Prepare for Speaking at a Major Search Conference