The new multi-screen world – Cross Platform behaviour
I came across this Google produced infographic, something I hadn’t seen before. The infographic covers the consumption of media cross-platform and has a number of interesting figures: 90% of media interactions are screen based 38% of our daily media interactions take place on smartphones Interestingly, smartphones would now appear to be an integral part of […]
Term Anchor Text – The Future of Penguin?
Since the dust from Penguin 1.0 and 1.1 has settled, some continuity has been established in terms of what exactly the algorithm update may have impacted. Of course, nobody knows for sure, but there are some overarching opinions that Penguin most heavily hit a few types of aggressive link builders: Those who overused “phrase” anchor […]
The post Term Anchor Text – The Future of Penguin? appeared first on Ross Hudgens.
Google sponsored car insurance launches
It would appear Google has launched (not sure whether full or soft launched) – the much anticipated comparison engine for car insurance. Given a similar facility is already live for terms on credit cards, mortgages and loans, its not that much of a surprise to see Google really take use of their Beatthatquote acquisition in […]
Four Advanced PPC Mistakes
There are some mistakes that you can’t make as a beginner; when you know a bit more about how things work you really can gather together enough rope to get in real trouble. These are all mistakes that I’ve made myself and, with the exception of one, are mistakes that I continue to make. I […]
Site Errors Breakdown
Webmaster level: All
Today we’re announcing more detailed Site Error information in Webmaster Tools. This information is useful when looking for the source of your Site Errors. For example, if your site suffers from server connectivity problems, your server may simply be misconfigured; then again, it could also be completely unavailable! Since each Site Error (DNS, Server Connectivity, and Robots.txt Fetch) is comprised of several unique issues, we’ve broken down each category into more specific errors to provide you with a better analysis of your site’s health.
Site Errors will display statistics for each of your site-wide crawl errors from the past 90 days. In addition, it will show the failure rates for any category-specific errors that have been affecting your site.
If you’re not sure what a particular error means, you can read a short description of it by hovering over its entry in the legend. You can find more detailed information by following the “More info” link in the tooltip.
We hope that these changes will make Site Errors even more informative and helpful in keeping your site in tip-top shape. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know through the Webmaster Tools Help Forum.
Written by Cesar Cuenca and Tiffany Wang, Webmaster Tools Interns
Search Queries Alerts in Webmaster Tools
We know many of you check Webmaster Tools daily (thank you!), but not everybody has the time to monitor the health of their site 24/7. It can be time consuming to analyze all the data and identify the most important issues. To make it a little bit easier we’ve been incorporating alerts into Webmaster Tools. We process the data for your site and try to detect the events that could be most interesting for you. Recently we rolled out alerts for Crawl Errors and today we’re introducing alerts for Search Queries data.
The Search Queries feature in Webmaster Tools shows, among other things, impressions and clicks for your top pages over time. For most sites, these numbers follow regular patterns, so when sudden spikes or drops occur, it can make sense to look into what caused them. Some changes are due to differing demand for your content, other times they may be due to technical issues that need to be resolved, such as broken redirects. For example, a steady stream of clicks which suddenly drops to zero is probably worth investigating.
The alerts look like this:
We’re still working on the sensitivity threshold of the messages and welcome your feedback in our help forums. We hope the new alerts will be useful. Don’t forget to sign up for email forwarding to receive them in your inbox.
Posted by Javier Tordable, Tech Lead, Webmaster Tools
Is the SSL issue getting bigger
A couple of weeks ago, I was asked if I fancied being involved in a piece on SSL search for the NMA, something for which I had to pull together a fair bit of research as part of the piece. With Firefox 14 now encrypting searches by default, the volume …
Configuring URL Parameters in Webmaster Tools
Webmaster Level: Intermediate to Advanced
We recently filmed a video (with slides available) to provide more information about the URL Parameters feature in Webmaster Tools. The URL Parameters feature is designed for webmasters who want to help Google crawl their site more efficiently, and who manage a site with — you guessed it — URL parameters! To be eligible for this feature, the URL parameters must be configured in key/value pairs like item=swedish-fish
or category=gummy-candy
in the URL
Guidance for common cases when configuring URL Parameters. Music in the background masks the ongoing pounding of my neighbor’s construction!
URL Parameter settings are powerful. By telling us how your parameters behave and the recommended action for Googlebot, you can improve your site’s crawl efficiency. On the other hand, if configured incorrectly, you may accidentally recommend that Google ignore important pages, resulting in those pages no longer being available in search results. (There’s an example provided in our improved Help Center article.) So please take care when adjusting URL Parameters settings, and be sure that the actions you recommend for Googlebot make sense across your entire site.
Written by Maile Ohye, Developer Programs Tech Lead
Developing a Venice friendly SEO strategy
One of the most interesting changes I have seen over the last couple of months has been the way our search results have become localised. Its a subject I have done a number of posts on – both on here and on the State of Search blog. Since the day Marissa Meyer moved over from […]
New Penguin update on the way?
It would appear that a number of people have received notifications from Google of unnatural link patterns similar to those received around late April. When the previous notifications were received a number of people were on the receiving end of devalu…
Good luck Marissa – Marissa Mayer to head up Yahoo
I don’t think this is a move anyone saw – however Marissa Mayer is to be the next CEO of Yahoo, becoming in the process one of the most important people in Silicon Valley. Google’s 20th employee, and their first female engineer – Marissa was one of the people responsible for much of the early […]
Link building 2012 style – Making friends with the Penguin
Since Panda and Penguin first exploded into the SEO scene earlier this year, the SEO scene has been abuzz with how to best deal with the array of new challenges that Google have thrown our way. I have been surprised at just some of the people that have…
Listening to the Search Engines – the Key to SEO
We all know that SEO is a changeable industry – you always have to stay on your toes and be aware of the most up-to-date trends and advice. Search marketers spend a surprisingly significant amount of their day checking sites such as this one for the latest information – there aren’t many industries where your […]
Has Google’s market share changed significantly in the last two years
When I last did one of these comparisons back at the height of the initial Bing advertising blitz it was interesting to note the limited impact the advertising had had in terms of impact in search volume queries. At that time, Google owned about 92.61%…
No, This Site Will Not Exchange Links
After the umptieth email from less-than-apt linkbuilders asking if I would like to exchange links, I need to vent. These days, too many people call themselves SEOs. Technically, majority of them would be really called linkbuilders – but they are …
Dogpile creating a bit of a stink
Its strange seeing the fallout of many of the updates, however my colleague here at Mediacom Ryan Mckay noticed a significant increase in the volume of Dogpile (who you may ask) results coming back in the organic SERPS. For those that remember Dogpile,…
Scrapebox/Hrefer Ruby Alternative in 5 Minutes
A huge part of a linkbuilding campaign’s success, regardless of the hat color and the kind of links being built, is a proper selection of resources. You come up with your platform footprints or whatever other qualifiers, you come up …
New Compare Ads now out in the wild
Following on from yesterdays post about Google launching new comparison ads in the UK and the US, we have finally seen the ads now out in the wild The terms seem to trigger on quite specific terms at the moment such as – Compare credit cards – Compare …
Is Google about to shake up the finance marketplace?
Google may well have truly thrown the gauntlet down to the big finance aggregators with the launch of new financial comparison units on a number of finance related terms. The comparison ad concept themselves is nothing new, however rumour is rife that …