
Unobtrusive pop-ups

If you are a WordPress site owner, designer, or developer looking to maximize the number of leads, subscribers, and ad revenue from your website using pop-ups, this plugin is for you. The Hobo Unobtrusive pop-ups Plugin For WordPress uses only the activation states that the Better Initial Ads Standards class is contentious and so is not rated negative by ad standards, plus in the final release of the plugin, only conforms to Google quality guidelines on size and placement.

Install the exit-intent plugin to remove any current webmaster violations caused by current obtrusive pop-up usage, increase your Google traffic, make your users happier, and increase leads. The author of the plugin has 20 years of experience in SEO as a practicing search engine optimizer on WordPress websites.

The Hobo Unobtrusive pop-ups Plugin For WordPress is the first of a Premium SEO WordPress Plugin Suite developed in 2023 to create plugins that meet Google’s latest webmaster guidelines Once it is installed, it’s yours to keep without any expensive service charges common to well-known pop-up subscription plans.

Early adopters also get access to lifetime updates to this plugin. You can buy The Hobo Unobtrusive pop-ups Pop-up Plugin For WordPress here.


Why make this plugin?

Pop-ups work really well to increase subscribers. Most popular pop-up options on the market, unfortunately, let you produce popups that contravene Google webmaster guidelines. This means that the use of these obtrusive pop-up mechanisms can lead to your website receiving a poor-quality label in Google rating systems, and that can’t ever be good. It leads to traffic loss.

As with anything to do with SEO, webmasters must find the balance between monetizing users and not getting in the way of a user (especially from Google) consuming your content.

This Premium SEO plugin uses pop-ups in an unobtrusive way.


Google webmaster guidelines

Search engine algorithms and human quality raters review these popups on your site, so you need to ensure you do not use pop-ups on your site that contravene Google quality rater guidelines.

For example, do you have a pop-up that appears as soon as you land on a page on your site, the way a user from Google would? That unfortunately is a Google webmaster violation. Violations lead to less traffic to your website from Google.

You must replace such mechanisms with exit-intent pop-up plugins at best. This ensures the monetization of your web pages does not get in the way of a user consuming your Main Content (which is another defacto Google webmaster violation you can lose traffic over).

Contact us for more information and installation options.


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