
Video SEO checklist

This is an in-depth SEO checklist for in-house or outsourced website developers and managers (with limited technical jargon) on managing video SEO (search engine optimisation) on a website. This professional-level checklist goes beyond the standard video SEO advice.  It includes many recommendations from Google itself on how to manage video on your web pages to maximise impact in Google Search.

This paid-for spreadsheet helps you comply with Google’s webmaster guidelines, improve rankings for pages with videos on your website and rank your website optimally for enhancements in Google Search.

The video SEO checklist includes best practices on:

  • Google finding your videos.
  • Key moments in videos.
  • Structured data.
  • Restricting videos.
  • Embedding videos.
  • Video advertisements.
  • Ranking pages with video content.

This checklist is included as part of the Premium SEO checklist, the free version you may have seen here.

If you are interested in YouTube, visit YouTube SEO step by step.

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